[color=Gold][h1]Mars[/h1][/color] [color=Gold]"Well that's good, we don't want the general screaming our ears off because his Top weapon manufacturer lost a family member due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Keep me posted on the situation."[/color] Just as Mars finished talking to Candice, he felt a presence approaching him, turning to see it was the newborn from earlier. He couldn't help but smile at her attempt to cheer him up, despite not knowing a thing about him besides what she had managed to hear him say(which was a bit embarrassing, as he honestly didn't like showing that kind of vulnerability, but given where his break down had decided to strike, he just had to deal with it for now), and gladly took her hand as he stood himself up, giving it a nice and firm shake. [color=Gold]"That's a great attitude to have Topaz, and the fact that it's one of your own thoughts makes you a really kind person. So, since I don't have anything to do currently, is there anything you want to know? I don't know much about Gems, but if you've got a question about humans, I can almost certainly tell you about it. Also, is there anything yet that you've figured out about yourself yet?"[/color] Mars decided to try and help the gem acclimate to things, trying to get her to ask questions as well as trying to get her to find out things about herself. More than anything though, he knew that he wasn't going to let the General try and turn her into what he had turn Mars into. He couldn't imagine Topaz hurting a fly, and he didn't want her or any of the newborns to ever be put in a situation where they had to, which would certainly be the case if the General had anything to say about it, if he didn't decide to just send in a miniature army to capture them all that is. [color=Gold][i]That being said, there are Blue and red to consider, so that could be enough to keep the General from taking drastic action. . . at least, I hope it's enough.[/i][/color] [@Veiled Angel][@Guardian Angel Haruki] [h1]Reggie[/h1] "Okay, how about Starburst? Because your freckles look like a bunch of stars just burst up all over your face. It's cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuooooooooool, yeah, super-cool, wish I had them, how'd you get them and, follow-up question, what were you doing talking to that Blue Gem back there? Sorry for spying, but you don't see many gems around, like, ever, so to see one come out of nowhere like that was too rare an opportunity to miss." Reggie said as he walked the two up a path that was slightly hidden by the cliff face that would wind around a bit before depositing them in an area again over-looking the chasm, though it was a bit of ways off from the current congregation of Gems. It was around here that, upon the other guy's protests, that Reggie to a closer look at the other, much less drop-dead gorgeous human he had dragged away from the possible conflict. First, this guy was tall. Reggie himself was around 6ft even, and this guy stood above him by a noticeable margin. Second, this guy was an honest to god Albino. Third, he had a hook launch mounted to his arm, knife around his neck, and a creepy as fuck mask. In total, Reggie was a bit intimidated by this person at first, but as soon as he saw the way the man reacted to the name Dorvain, his fears were wiped away by the look of enlightenment as he realized that this tall, pale man was, in fact, a kindred spirit. "Yes. . . and No, my good sir. You see, I believe you're thinking of my father, who I help from time to time with my own inventions and theories. I do, however, have access to nearly all of the high-tech gear one could ask for, except for the most classified stuff, of course. I sense that you might be interested in taking a gander at it, am I right?" Reggie face was currently in a wide grin as he thought of all the fun he would have with having someone to show off all of his current inventions and schematics. [i]All in all, this is shaping up to be an awesome day. Got a few more power gems to much with, saw a shit ton of Gems, got to meet a cute girl, and may even have found an engineering buddy. If this is a dream, then nobody better fucking pinch me right now[/i] [@Akayaofthemoon][@BrassOtter]