[center] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Taylor%20Jason%20Garrick&name=Overdrive_Sunset.ttf&size=100&style_color=496385[/img] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/1785fca766f635fe95cb7edfb26c7883/tumblr_n7ndvzuppi1slwqibo1_500.gif[/img] [b]Interaction:[/b] Loki [@BlackPanther], Prof. Latour [@Ace of flames01] [b]Location:[/b] X-Mansion, Basement Meeting Room [/center] [hr] [hr] Taylor didn't mean exactly what he had said, he was rather angry about the situation. He was rather stunned by the Professor and what he had said though, which perfectly had set Taylor straight. [color=8793ca]"Sorry..."[/color] He sort of muttered, he was about to mumble something else. But he was sure, that the Professor would have might have heard him and put him in deeper trouble than he already apparently was in. So Taylor had said nothing, but made a small dent by leaning his arm back to the wall. Taylor had then turned his head to Loki. Oh, he so wanted to punch Loki so hard in the rib cage. He then realized, he was giving off an very sharp glare at Loki, and shook it off. Loki apologized, but Taylor just shook his head, biting his lip as his eyebrow raised at the apology. How could you apologize to doing something like that!? Taylor cooled himself down, and attempted to give Loki an less hostile look, a smile even. [color=8793ca]"Oh, I'm taking you up on it. You owe me a brand new red shirt, this exact color too. And you owe me food and a drink, the expensive kind."[/color] He joked, but he was serious about the shirt. But Taylor honestly really wanted to strangle Loki like they were in a horror flick, and he looked away from Loki, letting out his real expression on his face where no one could see.