The old man grinned at Emi and moved as if to take the coins with an outstretched hand, then suddenly dropped something to the ground that flared in a sudden brilliant flash of light and billowing blue smoke. The aim of the microscopic explosion wasn't to harm the girl, nor would it likely do more than cause her and other passersby to look away for the briefest of seconds even taking into account the con-artist's night-accustomed Nem eyes. For those briefest of seconds was all Lakan needed to completely transform himself. He tossed off the tightly wrapped and concealing cloak to reveal garments of rich silk interwoven with gold thread in a fashion gaudy enough that it would have been easily mocked were it not prohibitively luxurious. His lame leg repaired itsel and his hunched back was no longer hunched as he grew far healthier looking, in fact becoming a man around forty years younger than he had been. His skin grew darker as did his hair, and the milky quality siphoned away from his now almond-shaped eyes and was replaced with an almost penetrating yet mischieviously twinkling gaze. just as quickly this new face hidden behind a blue and gold mask frozen half in a frown and half in a smile placed with a blur of the actor's hand. This was the closest most people ever came to seeing the true face of Lakan Ting, and he intended to make the experience a notable one. "I did say that charity can open gateways to your dreams and marvelous rewards, did I not? If you'll listen to me for a few moments I can make good on my promises, though these you may have regardless along with any answers you'd like." Some time during the change, Lakan had found time to produce a pair of tickets to the theater from one of his sleeves, as well as an additional two gold pieces to the pair Emi had handed him, all of which he held out towards the young con artist.