Kahya was taken off guard by the young girl, and she blinked down at her with widened blue eyes. How strange it was to be approached so confidently by someone so young. Still, she returned the smile and nodded slowly. "Thank you," she said politely. "I'd love to try them." The atmosphere of the cafe was completely magical, and Kahya was in wonder. The peacefulness was something she desperately needed after her recent hardships-- Though suddenly, it was disrupted. Kahya's eyes followed the graceful waitress after being called at and she offered a shy wave in thanks. But when she crashed, Kahya flinched and squinted against the sudden commotion. "Ah...I'm sorry," she said before her attention was stolen by the man in the floppy hat retreating. She narrowed her eyes at his urgency, but dismissed it, distracted by the loud noises outside for just a moment. "My, what is going on?" she asked, turning to the girl to see her picking up pieces of the mess. At that, Kahya knelt as well, using her good hand to gingerly place a few pieces in the girl's hand.