"-PER, GET DO-" Lena shouts, bolting to an upright sitting position, panic evident in her eyes and face as she reaches for her pistol, which is holstered on her left hip. She trails off mid-word, looking around as she realizes that this is indeed not the battlefield she died in. "Thats strange.... I could have sworn that I was shot. I remember being shot. In the head, no less..." she continues, in a far less panicked, far more confused tone. "Weird..." She mutters, taking a mental and physical tally of herself and her surroundings. She starts to realize that she is hungry, almost ravenously so, just as she notices the plate, and the steak. 'Huh, dying must work up an appetite...' she ponders, in her head on account of her mouth being to busy processing steak for the trip to her stomach to do any talking.