[h2][color=navy]Candice Ghoste[/color][/h2] Candice chuckled at his mention of the General screaming their ears off and she answered his request to keep him in the loop before she turned her attention back to the screen. "[color=navy]You got it,[/color]" She watched as Blue's friends tried to usher some of the gems away, only for Red to appear and start putting in a lot of charismatic effort to make Blue seemed like a bad guy. Blue on the other hand seemed calm and patient and came forward with facts while stating that she did what she could to protect them, and she was willing to let them make their own decision. She told Mars over the communicator, "[color=navy]Looks like you were on to something about Red, Mars. He is really trying to paint Blue as a bad guy and get the new gems on his side. He threatened one of the new gems who was screaming about him deceiving the others. Blue on the other hand remains an unknown, but at least they're not giving as much of a bad vibe as Red is,[/color]" She continued listening until Red spoke up, telling Chromite that they were going to head into Mohs Town due to an energy signal that headed from the Kindergarten and into town. Her eyes wide, she realized that he could be talking about the newborn Mars met, and/or Mars himself. She touched the communicator and she warned him, her voice filled with dread, "[color=navy]Mars. Red's coming over to Mohs Town. He said there was a gem energy heading from the Kindergarten to Mohs Town. It may be the gem you spoke to, or a corrupted gem. I'm coming to the town. I'll be right there![/color]" She was worried. She was worried that the Red gem would try to deceive Mars while he was still grieving, or worse, hurt him and everyone in Mohs Town, just to get the new gem that Mars met. After she gave him the warning, she landed the drone, turned off the tablet and hurried into town with the appropriate gear. The communicator was still in her ear, in case Mars was to respond. [@Raijinslayer] [@Veiled Angel] [hr] [h2][color=darkred]Carnelian[/color][/h2] Carnelian could only watch as the discussion, or rather persuasion on Bloodstone's part, echoed throughout the Kindergarten. She knew that speaking up on her part would not help matters, and she knew to trust Aquamarine in this. Unfortunately, Sphene had clearly joined Bloodstone along with some others. Thankfully there was Verdelite and maybe a couple of other gems? She heard the humans' discussion and she managed to restrain an excited smile. She made a mental note to play matchmaker and set up a date between Reggie and Maeve at a later date when things weren't...dire as they are now. She was prepared to summon her weapon and help Verdelite, when Bloodstone grabbed her and threatened her. But just as quickly as it happened, it ended. She raised an eyebrow at his mention of heading into town because of a corrupted gem. After Bloodstone was gone, Carnelian turned her attention to Verdelite, and she asked her in concern, "[color=darkred]Dahling, are you alright? Aquamarine can heal you if you're hurt,[/color]" After she received an answer from Verdelite and that she was alright, she asked Aquamarine, "[color=darkred]Should I go into the town and make sure that Homeworld doesn't hurt anyone there? I really don't think it would be wise to leave him unattended there,[/color]" [@Kronshi] [@Akayaofthemoon] [@EnterTheHero] [@BrassOtter]