[center][img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/a1da/th/pre/i/2014/273/a/c/beacon___the_knight_by_joshcorpuz85-d8122um.png[/img] [hider][color=#A91F00][b]Display Name:[/b][/color] Kirameku. [color=#A91F00][b]Ephithet:[/b][/color] Vagrant. Twisted Light. The Wayward Beacon. [color=#A91F00][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] The Brotherhood(estranged). [color=#A91F00][b]Age Appearance:[/b][/color] Twenty. [color=#A91F00][b]RP Speech Color:[/b][/color] [color=#A91F00][b]Orange-red.[/b][/color] [url=http://orig14.deviantart.net/7734/f/2014/055/6/7/r_e_d_by_tincek_marincek-d77tqd7.jpg][color=#A91F00][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][/url] His avatar stands at 5'9 and is fairly fit, though not overly so, mostly possessing lean muscle. As to his face, well it's largely a mystery to the general public, despite his identity, of sorts, being well known. However, to those few who do know his visage, well let's just say that it's one that is hard to forget. [color=#A91F00][b]Weapon(s):[/b][/color] [i]"Verity"[/i] is the working name for his sword, regardless to if he changes weapons. He always calls the weapon this. It seems to amuse him for some reason, but no one else really appears to get the joke. [color=#A91F00][b]Skill Slots:[/b][/color] [i]«Parry»[/i] [i]«Sprint»[/i] [i]«Acrobatics»[/i] [i]«One-handed Sword Wielding»[/i] [i]«Two-Handed Sword Wielding»[/i] [color=#A91F00][b]Breaker - [i]Riven Maxim:[/i][/b][/color] An ability only possible so long as Kirameku has a bladed weapon equipped. Additionally, Riven Maxim will break any boss weapon if he attempts to equip it, even if its durability would make this effectively impossible. Nonetheless, upon drawing his weapon, Riven Maxim activates, immediately dissolving the weapon and transmuting it into particles of light. Once in this state, the weapon is capable of disassembling and reconstituting into various forms so long as those forms are bladed implements and do not deviate too far from the weapon's original shape. Additionally nothing smaller than a dagger or longer than nine feet can be created--though it should be noted that the same amount of light particles are generated regardless of the size of the weapon drawn. While these seemingly random limitations do exist, one truly begins to understand the worth of Kirameku's Breaker when they realize that the durability of any weapon successfully drawn is raised by 2-4x with its durability scaling with that of the weapon--meaning that higher durability weapons will not be amplified as much as lower durability weapons. Beyond this the weight of a given weapon is lowered by 3/4ths, making any weapon easier to utilize than normal. Last among his Breaker's effects is the fact that he does not actually have to be holding any of the solid light that his weapon becomes--though he must physically draw his weapon and the light cannot leave a radius of 2.5(7 or so feet) meters.[/hider][/center]