[quote=@Sho Minazuki] They'd be more interesting though if they were initiated by someone other than yourself though. Should we designate one person from each group to do these "random encounters" for another group? Like say there are two groups of players, A, B and C, for the first group, and players 1, 2, and 3 for the second group. Players A, B, and C are given random encounters by player 2. But players 1, 2 and 3, are given random encounters by player C. And it can rotate too, first week or two encounters, the ones giving random encounters are players C and 2, and then the next few will be by A and 3, and it just keeps rotating. What each of them do is simply "make a character" to suit the route, and challenge any of the players from the encountered group to a battle, and then it's played out in titanpad. Sooner the better. And seriously, this could create some really fun supporting casts for our characters, maybe ones who have garnered some connection on first meeting, or are just really popular, can appear again later with an even stronger team, and if we have enough, we can do the Fordis League in a tournament setup like they do in the anime. I'll let [@AbysmalDemon] mull over this idea, but some level of randomness in this RP would be nice. The best part is that this doesn't need dice or numbers. Just someone who feels like making a random character for the sake of it. [/quote] I rate this... I'm tired and sad so I'm going to get the timeskip up after I get some quick shuteye