Having succeeded in covering a portion of the arena in runic traps while the mist isolated Travis from his better-fit opponent, he took another brief moment to pause and exhale. Never before had he applied so much effort into anything this dire. It was a frightening thought for Travis that he would have to fight for is own life; in fact, it was rare for danger to take an interest into his well being. Granted, dealing with Enlightened Cultists and Salem Disciples were plenty bad enough but never would he expect to run into someone of much greater magnitude in comparison to the grunts he had run in before. If anything, Alya was shaping up to be an entity could not hope withstand against with his simple powers. The image frightened him so but what else could he do? He was alone and confined to a large and yet enclosed space. Clearly with no where to run, he would need to challenge this immovable obstacle by any means necessary. Before picking himself up again, an unexpected flurry of dark violet bolts screamed out from the mist and leaped towards him. He gritted his teeth as he cursed and quickly pushed himself to the floor as the almost ebony bolts of mana flew above him. While suffering no direct hits from what he could tell, Travis however could feel a searing sensation across his left shoulder. Peering at a notable blackened burn mark on his coat, he deduced one of the shots had indeed scratched him. Even if it was a minor contact however painful it was as he growled in discomfort, the same depleting effects he had felt before were already present within wound he had the luck of being inflicted by. As he rose, he gave Alya's recent counterattack some thought. While the shots were definitely inaccurate, they were however spot on with his current position. This further proved that Alya could "see" him through the steam but not to a significant degree. It had to be apparent that she was using some sort of method in order to locate him, as inefficient as it seemed. With this new information in mind, there was no doubt that continuing this charade would not last forever now that he could be tracked. This battle had to end soon for sure and he needed to start sowing the seeds now less this expiring advantage literally fades away. Upon the detonation of one of his backdraft runes, signaling Alya's approach and direction, Travis sighed as he knelt down with both of his hands and focused, Mana rushing through his body has he developed a much broader spell than the ones before it. A series of flat ebony tendrils crept from his palms before quickly spreading throughout the ground under the guise of the mist, imprinting into the earth a large triangle before the ink-like contours spread out into various shapes, covering a slightly moderate section of the arena. Normally, Travis would have taken the time to draw out this magic circle as a means of practice and analyzation purpose but time was short and he had little alternative but to divulge a sizable portion of his already limited mana to embed one of the more, if not the most proficient of his runic arsenal. With sweat beginning to drip from his face, warning him of growing fatigue, Travis pull himself self up and walked further to his right flank while producing a tome from one of this belt holsters. As he prodded the pages for a specific book mark, his left arm extended forward and ignited another stream of spreading fire into the direction of where the the first rune trap reacted. At this point, he cared little what his meaningless attacks did against Ayla's barrier; all that he wanted now was for his opponent to come and get him.