[center] [color=gold][h1]Nyxx Hollow[/h1][/color][/center] [@dabombjk][@Laach] For once Nyxx had her hair neatly done and the moment she stepped outside in the morning heat it all frizzed up and her hair went back to being deeply curled. Rather than fight it, she sighed and bundled it up like she had yesterday making a massive ball of hair standing up on top of her hair. Another thing she didn’t appreciate was that the sun seemed to be picking sides her being that her skin was darker than others she seemed to be cooking more than others. All this combined with the fact she was up at nine O’ clock in the morning was all so tiring as well as very annoying to say the least, she wanted to march right back into the pokecenter and go right back to bed. Nyxx’s eye were much lower than usual, which they were pretty low normally anyway, but at this point she might as well be walking while asleep, yawning and her head nodding were the only indication that she was actually awake. Eventually Kyle asked her a question and by the grace of Arceus out of all the things she didn’t hear him say she heard him ask something actually important. She stretched out and lifted her head up with her eyes slightly open just enough to look at the map, but just as she was about to say something someone joined him forcing her to open her eyes up wider to see who it was. [color=gold]“Oh its uhm Ummm….OZ!”[/color] she said snapping her finger to help her remember giving a weak smile before nodding off while still standing. She snapped back to reality immediately after however her switch was still off. [color=gold] “Oh….I was saying we should go to…ZzzZz…THE normal gym, catch pokemon and challenge that gym” [/color]