Ferrer hefted his warhammer and gave it a swing before returning it to his workbench. The balance was still off, and he'd been up a fair portion of the night attempting to rectify the problem. It was the tiniest margin, and he was so close to getting it right. Before he could set back to his work however, his ears perked up, picking up a commotion just on the edge of his hearing. With a sigh, he turned his back on his workspace and made his way out into the growing daylight. The sound had come from the direction he himself had, some time ago. Despite his delvings, he'd not yet been able to work out the precise nature of the phenomena. It bothered him slightly, as much as his own existence did. He felt like a complete person, yet there were odd memories, ones that came from somewhere else. Felt like they belonged to someone else. Knowledge that was his, and yet...not. It mattered little. Shortly, he came to the small grey building where the most recent drifters had been taken. 'Morning. Let me know if you need any help, though first I just want to take some readings from these new arrivals...' Ferrer's right eye blazed bright in its socket, casting the scarring on his face into sharp relief. 'Hmm...' Ferrer went on to spend the majority of the next days shouting at nobody in particular about erratic data.