Jo looked up at the massive building before her and then down at the dragon by her feet. Bane was pouncing on the bugs that flew up as the grass was stirred. Jo couldn't help but grin at the playful antics of the little forest dragon. "come on, Bane," she whispered and picked up the dragon. Her fingers brushed the soft mossy patches along his sides. [color=00a651]"Let's get up to the room. I'd like to see what belonging of mine have been brought here since I packed next to nothing!"[/color] She rolled her eyes and let Bane scamper up onto her right shoulder and his long tail curled around her neck, draping down over her left arm. She watched a group of people pile into the elevator, but decided to take the stairs. She didn't do well with a lot of people in tight spaces, and she really didn't like elevators. Jo and Bane walked up the stairs, pausing to read the signs with directions on them so they wouldn't get too lost. She remembered she was sharing a room with Niall. Wasn't that the guy she talked to at dinner? She couldn't remember very well. Jo scrunched her nose up at Bane and sighed. [color=00a651]"I hope this doesn't end badly." [/color] The small dragon cocked his head to the side and chirped loudly, clicking his sharp teeth together. She pushed open the door to exit the stairwell and walked slowly down the long hall until she found the room number. It didn't seem that anyone was here yet. Pushing the door open slowly, she peered into the empty room. It was a magnificent apartment. Open concept with a large sitting room, kitchen and what appeared to be two bedrooms, each on opposite sides of the room. Jo took the one on the left, trudging into the room and letting Bane jump from her shoulder and onto the bed with a sound that seemed like laughter. Jo grinned down at the dragon and flopped onto the bed beside him. [color=00a651]"Welcome home, Little Bane, welcome home."[/color]