[b]Name[/b]: Elizabeth Kelton [b]Age[/b]: 34 [b]Description[/b]: [hider=Character image] [img]http://cdn1.thr.com/sites/default/files/2014/09/abc_scandal_katie_lowes_a_l.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Occupation[/b]: Let's go with "operative". [b]Branch of government worked for[/b]: A secret organization dubbed as Sierra not attached to any one branch of the U.S. Government. This organization has no ranks, only the agents in it serving under the pleasure of "Command", the person running the show. Those in Sierra answer to no one, not even the president himself. Command is the individual giving all orders or asking the agents to break them. [b]Location you were working in[/b]: Washington, D.C. [b]History[/b]: Elizabeth started out as a basic FBI employee years before she was personally recruited for Sierra. She was an interpreter in the FBI, being she was born and raised in New Jersey but is of Puerto Rican descent and thus is perfectly fluent in Spanish. Her ex-husband, Scott Kelton, was originally opposed to the idea of Elizabeth working for the government given the dangerous nature of the job, but she went on to follow her dreams regardless of what Scott said. Over time, Elizabeth became more than just an interpreter. Because she swore an oath to the agency and was extremely loyal, Elizabeth became involved in some of the dirty work the FBI handles and from that point forward, she never went back to only worrying about her basic duties. She carried out "less-than-humane" methods of extracting information from subjects and she wasn't necessarily proud of it, but it was something that didn't phase her. That's when Command from Sierra noticed, and immediately recruited her to be trained in various methods of torture (lethal and non-lethal), close-quarters combat, weapons training, and computer training. Within months, Elizabeth was out on the field and loving every minute of it, particularly because Sierra allowed her the freedom to do the job as she needed, within some guidelines of course. On a cold, January evening, Elizabeth got orders from Command to assassinate James Erick White. What stopped her heart was the fact that at the time, James was the leader of the free world, and someone whom she'd known during her childhood years. They were next-door neighbors at the time, and she was James' sister's best friend. When the White family moved away, Elizabeth was torn; Joanna and her were nearly inseparable and spent a lot of time talking on the phone before the relationship eventually faded into mere memories. With the document in hand, Elizabeth packed an overnight bag and left town, but Command found out almost immediately. Other agents caught up to her and even though she put up a decent fight, she was outnumbered and eventually got locked away in the hospital. [b]Personality[/b]: A bit shy at first around strangers, but over time she'll become a chatterbox. Doesn't like when people play emotional games with her as she abstains from doing the same, except when it has to do with work, of course. [b]Skills[/b]: Sharpshooter with pistols and rifles, hacker, evidence "clean-up" expert, can keep emotions in line (most of the time), and skilled in methods of torture. [b]Likes[/b]: Netflix and video games, when not at work. She also spends some weekend nights out in a bar or dancing with a friend or two. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Liars and people who don't own to their mistakes. [b]Extra[/b]: Divorced once husband found out how cold and heartless she was.