[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/O70B7Mc.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YU6kzKP.png [/img] [hr][hr] [color=slategray][b]Location[/b]:[/color] Garage, bitches → The STREETS → a party [color=crimson][b]Featuring[/b]:[/color] THE BOIS [sup]and Ely[/sup] [color=228b22][b]Time[/b]:[/color] lol who has the time when you’re crossfaded as fuck it’s lit baby [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrVCGfoN7rk][b][color=8882be]The Big Bad Wolf[/color][/b][/url]: Oooooooooooooooowhoo!! [/center] [hr][hr] Sitting on the drummer’s stool in Jareth’s garage, Elysia had just got done making three Jager Bombs for herself and the two knuckleheads staring at her. Every so often, she would take a stroll ‘by’ her house to see if her father was home and if not, she ‘borrowed’ his alcohol like a boss. Still with red contacts on, her gaze met her fellow emo companions as if cueing them it was time to drink their last pregame beverage before heading out. The song that was playing, Asking Alexandria’s “The Black”, blared out of Jar’s speakers as their female companion held a shot glass of Jagermeister above her glass of Red Bull. Lifting up her drink high in the air, already with one hell of a buzz and having not changed from this morning ([url=http://outfitideashq.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/grunge-fashion-outfit-ideas-2.jpg]Outfit[/url]), she lowly challenged her friends, “[color=8882be]The last two to finish gotta’ kiss.[/color]” and without any warning, she dropped the shot into the yellowish liquid and started downing her drink. [i]Chug. Chug. Chug.[/i] This was an [i]easy[/i] challenge and a generous one from a girl like Ely. Jareth was neither a fan of Red Bull nor Jager, but beggars couldn’t be choosers when it came to free booze. Ely’s sudden challenge caught him off guard - it really shouldn’t have, this was Elysia, after all. The mixture of a lingering high from lighting up at the beginning of their gathering, and the effects of alcohol had him clumsily scrambling for his own Jager Bomb. Jar pushed past the sickly sweet licorice taste of the beverage as he chugged it down. Like [i]hell[/i] was he losing this challenge and kissing Ari. That shit was cool on stage in the heat of the moment, and he loved the kid, but Ely seemed the type to snap a picture and never let them live it down. Ari was the type to drown his sorrows as quickly as possible, and while he wasn’t blackout drunk yet, he was not functioning as well as current company. Barely registering the challenge, he took his shot and stared at it for a good three seconds, uncomprehending, before downing the Red Bull and surprising himself with the alcoholic tinge. He furrowed his brow halfway through and pulled the glass away from his face. [color=crimson]”What’d you -”[/color] Ari seemed to grasp the depth of the situation at that point. [color=crimson]”Shit.”[/color] He quickly finished the beverage and rolled away from Ely and Jar, unimpressed by their dumb games. Still. No point being a bad sport. He stared at the ceiling for a second, then turned his gaze to his best friend, already cringing. [color=crimson]”I lost,”[/color] he mumbled, looking about ready to purge when he leaned over and placed a half-assed kiss on Jar’s cheek. It was about that time to arrive fashionably late to the party that Ely herself had helped plan. Jareth flicked a few switches to turn off the speakers and thumping bass before powering down the laptop that was responsible for blasting the tunes. Jar was at that pleasantly warm stage of a buzz, where his reaction time and movements seemed a little slow. Ari looked a bit worse off, so Jar offered a hand to pull him up out of the couch. That beat up piece of furniture had cushions so sunken in that it threatened to eat up even the most sober of individuals, let alone a drunk Ari. The trio then left CrimSon’s practice and chillin’ room, stopping by Old Faithful so Jar could click the button to close the garage door behind them, before they headed on the short walk towards the beach. [hr] Skating to Jar’s house [i]sucked[/i]. No ramps, no rails, just flat ground--barely even any especially steep hills going up [i]or[/i] down. It was [i]boring,[/i] and while normally David Powers, the unofficial (and mostly unaware) skate king of Beverly Hills, would much prefer to skate [i]anywhere else[/i], maybe one of the several skate parks that he sometimes climbed into (only a little illegal, he thought) during this time of night, or maybe even the courtyard of the school (against the rules, but not the [i]real[/i] rules), or like, one of the abandoned factories in the industrial part of town (okay, definitely illegal), or somewhere near the train station (unsafe, sure but the railroad track made for SWEET grinds), maybe the moon (hey, a boy could [i]dream[/i]), look [i]anywhere more interesting than this boring sidewalk.[/i] But, hey, this gave him a chance to listen to something a little… smoother than the hype filled tracks he normally listened to, with dirty and quick lyric chopping, hard beats, and just generally being loud. Instead, Davy took this chance to listen to a [i]smooth[/i] song. Something classic, something old school, something from the east coast, a classic Brooklyn song instead of one of the West Coast or Midwest bangers Davy [i]usually[/i] enjoyed while skating sweet lines that were just as filthy as the beats that pounded into his ears. Nope, this called for something clean. [color=228b22]”[i]Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours,[/i]”[/color] yep. Illmatic, baby. The teenager stomped his foot on the ground to again build up some speed, hopping off of the sidewalk and onto the asphalt of the road. [color=228b22]”Man, I’m gonna have to talk to Jar about getting some [i]sick jumps[/i] between my place and his… This sucks. I just wanna play Rainbow Road.”[/color] And Davy’s stoned ass [i]would[/i] play Rainbow Road. In his backpack, he had all the necessities: more weed (enough to knock out Willie fuckin’ Nelson), various smoking apparatuses (including Wesley Pipes and Billy Bong Thornton), his Nintendo 64 (the PIkachu version, of course), four controllers (never knew when Ari would show up--the fourth was a precaution in case Jar smashed one--he seemed the type), 007 Goldeneye (Mario Kart was great, but wouldn’t last the whole night), Mario Kart 64, WWF No Mercy, Super Smash Bros, and Diddy Kong Racing. Davy had a soft spot for Diddy Kong Racing. Davy kicked the board up into the air again, flipping it with his heel as he sang out the lyrics: [color=228b22]”[i]I slip the Dom P, watching Gandhi till I'm charged, then writin’ in my book of rhymes…[/i] Man, I always forget how [i]fire[/i] this song is. I think I’m melting.”[/color] He reached into his pocket and retrieved the carefully rolled joint he’d put together a while ago, and put it back to his lips, lighting it with his precious lighter and inhaling the smoke. [color=228b22]”[i]Behold the mic I’m throbbin’, mechanical movement understandable smooth shit that murderers move with.[/i]”[/color] Zoned out now, Davy was completely engrossed in his music, and the song that was playing into his headphones. His soon to be traveling companions would see, in the distance: the lit cherry of his j, coming at them at full speed. Jareth had borrowed Ely’s board to try his hand at skating. Whether it was the alcohol, or the complete lack of skill, he had succeeded in falling not once, but twice so far. Finally steady and gaining speed, Jareth leaned into the curve of the road just in time - scratch that - completely [i]not[/i] in time, as he collided with Davy. The skateboard flew out from under him as his knees met pavement for a [i]third[/i] time on their short journey. [color=slategray]“Oh, fuck this! I’ll just stick to music.”[/color] he said without even realizing who he crashed into. The initial thing that surprised Davy was the sudden lack of music in his ears, sadly during the chorus--by far his favorite part. The [i]second[/i] thing that Davy was concerned about was the state of his backpack, which had most of the things he cared about in it. He sat up and looked behind himself to see how his backpack was doing and after he verified that it was, in fact, alive, he turned his attention to the source of his injury. At first, Davy was searching his mind for something to say to defend himself, but then he realized who it was: Jareth! The very person David wanted to talk to anyway! [color=228b22]”Excellent! Jar! What’s up dude? I brought my N64 and games. And,”[/color] Davy’s brow furrowed and his nose crinkled as he sniffed at the air, [color=228b22]”Dude you smell like alcohol and the broken dreams of someone that thinks they’re getting super stoned, but you’re really just smoking Mexican goatfucker’s weed…”[/color] Jareth looked up as he dusted the gravel bits off of his pants. Well, at least it was Davy and not some strange innocent bystander. [color=slategray]“Smell like wh-- uh, guilty, I guess.”[/color] he laughed at his friend’s little quip. [color=slategray]”Sorryyy, not all of us have a fancy green card to grow our own shit.”[/color] the emo mocked with his pinky out in a dramatic gesture. [color=slategray]”Whatchu up to? Ari and Ely and I are heading to Rhett’s party, you should come with.”[/color] Jareth said as he tossed a thumb back to the two others following behind him. Davy stared at Jar for a few seconds, sitting on the ground before he stood up. Fancy green card? It wasn’t [i]that[/i] fancy, as far as the physician knew, Malcolm Powers had anxiety and lingering back pain, and Illyana Powers had arthritis. David himself [i]did[/i] actually have anxiety, but that was beyond the point. Davy reached out for the joint that had flew out of his mouth. [color=228b22]”Here,”[/color] he said, holding the doobie out to Jar. [color=228b22]”I know I don’t usually share, but uh… smoke this. [i]Please[/i]. You’ll feel [i]way better,[/i] hell, share it with the other two people I brought enoug--”[/color] Davy cut off suddenly as he finally looked back at the people following Jar. [color=228b22]”[i]That’s a girl![/i] I mean, uhm. Uh… uh… Hi? Yeah, hi. Hi. I’m Davy Powers. And, uh, I can’t go to a uh, uh, a [i]party[/i]. I have, you know… a duck to take care of. And I was gonna come here and like play Mario Kart…”[/color] Jar didn’t really need much convincing, he gladly accepted the j from davy and took a good long pull at it. It was about that time when Davy realized that one of these things was [i]not[/i] like the others. Jareth unexpectedly coughed through the exhale, this was some next level shit. After gathering himself, he said: [color=slategray]”Yeah, that’s Ely - er, Elysia. I was just trying out her board when we, uhh, ran into each other.”[/color] Jareth kicked the skateboard up using his foot with much less finesse than an experienced skater. He then passed the board back and offered the doobie to Ely, or Ari, whoever was more interested. Staying silent, but observing the scene like a vulture, Ely grabbed her board and dropped it back onto the ground (causing it the make a loud clap noise). Resting her right foot on it, her intimidating red gaze scanned the Head Skater’s features as she happily grabbed the doobie from her fuck boy, Jar. She didn’t really have to say much since Jareth was doing most of the talking (less work for her). It was hard to tell how drunk she was because she was good at hiding her buzz. Whether that was a mechanism she built over the years of partying at the age of 12 had yet to be determined. Before inhaling the addicting poison, she brought her left hand pointer finger to her lips and placed her gum on her finger (yeah, this entire time she’s had gum in her mouth). With that stoic expression she was well known for, Ely placed the doobie in her lips and gave Davy a kittenish wink (just toying with the kid, really). Oddly enough, her hit was far more graceful than Jareth’s as she blew the smoke in Ari’s face. Handing the other emo kid the smoke, she muttered with her silvery voice, “[color=8882be]I know of him. Nice to actually put a face to the name.[/color]” Ari accepted the offer from Ely (although he didn’t appreciate the sudden wisp of smoke) and couldn’t seem to comprehend exactly what he was holding. He figured it must be another cigarette and took one long drag, enough to wear down the joint entirely, until it finally registered that this was definitely not the typical effect. [i]Whoa.[/i] Deciding that standing around while these three did whatever wasn’t good for him, Ari just plopped down onto the ground, barely concentrating on the conversation at hand and more on staying conscious. Davy was frozen. Maybe Ely wasn’t doing it on purpose; she didn’t [i]know[/i] Davy very well so maybe she didn’t [i]mean[/i] to make him all FUCKED. But, regardless, she was doing it. Davy hadn’t been [i]winked[/i] at before, it was [i]weird[/i] and it made him [i]wiggly[/i], dammit. Then, suddenly, the freeze was broken as he turned his head with an awkward look in his eyes, [color=228b22]”...you know [i]of me[/i]? Why? What? How come? What’s there to know about [i]me?[/i] You can, uh, keep that one, by the way, I got lots in my pack…”[/color] “[color=8882be]You’re so modest.[/color]” Ely took a brief moment to place her gum back in her mouth, using her tongue to pick it up, before popping it near immediately. “[color=8882be]Well one. I’m [i]good[/i] friends with your boy, Jar. Two. I like skating. You’re the best on campus.[/color]” She wasn’t one to explain herself in depth, but hopefully he could get the gist with the little words she used. Dragging her skateboard with her, she went beside Jareth and closer to the interesting boy she knew nothing about (besides his skills on a board). For a girl, Ely had a strong ass personality. Good thing most of the people around her in this instant were use to her. “[color=8882be]You should come along. I bet your buddy would appreciate it.[/color]” Her gaze went from Davy than to Jar. As Ely stepped closer to him, Davy stepped backwards. [color=228b22]”I’m [i]okay[/i] at skating. I can do like… kick flips and stuff but nothing [i]that[/i] fancy,”[/color] Davy squirmed as he spoke. A boldfaced lie in an attempt to get the girl to pay attention to Jar and not him. His mother would be [i]sobbing[/i] if she knew he’d lied like that. [color=228b22]”But, uh, I really can’t go to the party I’ve got a whole Nintendo 64 in my backpack and I don’t want to uh bring it to the party and uh distract the partygoers from the, er, uh…. alcohol…? Yeah, don’t want to distract them from the alcohol.”[/color] Jareth noticed Davy getting… well, like Davy gets sometimes. [color=slategray]”It’s cool, we can drop your backpack off at my place if you want…. But, like, you could bring it too, It’s not a big deal.”[/color] He raked his hands through his hair quickly and thought about what might calm him down. Unfortunately, Jar’s [i]frazzled[/i] brain was coming up a bit empty. [color=slategray]”It should be fun, Rhett’s a really cool guy and you can stick with us and keep yourself lit. It’s just me and Ari, like Mario Kart… but with Ely.”[/color] And with a bunch of other kids from school, but Jareth left that bit out. [color=228b22]”I don’t know Ely and that makes me [i]extremely[/i] uncomfortable, look at her, all female and stuff.”[/color] Davy complained, putting his foot down onto his board. He hadn’t spent more than seven minutes with a girl that wasn’t his mother or therapist for… well, for a very long time and he didn’t really want to either! [color=228b22]”So if you will excuse me I think I’ll go home and see if, like… Sprinkles is busy… You know I don’t do well with girls, man.”[/color] The rocker looked from Davy to Ely and shrugged [color=slategray]”I mean, she’s a girl, but she’s chill like one of the boys--”[/color] Fixing her beanie on her head, Ely interrupted with a heavy sigh (was this kid being for real?), “[color=8882be]Dude. I’m not the big bad wolf, if I wanted to fuck you I would have found you A LOT earlier than today.[/color]” Her brows furrowed, as she moved the skateboard back and forth in obvious annoyance, “[color=8882be]Plus, I fucked him.[/color]” She gestured to Jar with her thumb, “[color=8882be]You’re safe, Airhead.[/color]” [color=228b22]”Who [i]hasn’t[/i] fucked Jar? Ari? I mean, come on that’s not making me feel [i]any safer[/i].”[/color] David grumbled, stuffing his hands into his pockets and laying his options out in his mind: option 1) run away very quickly on his skateboard, not like any of the scrubs could keep up, option 2) pretend to go to the party and split off at the next convenient opportunity, orrrr… option 3) go to the party and try to be social like his mother and his therapist (and, Davy believed, Sprinkles) wanted him to be. [color=228b22]”I’ll go to this party on one and one condition. That condition is I want Jar to buy me a dozen peanut butter donuts.”[/color] [color=slategray]”Bro…”[/color] Jareth let that thought sink in for a moment. That… sounded like the best idea [i]EVER[/i]. [color=slategray]”Definitely, I would buy them [i][b]right now[/b][/i] if I could. Tomorrow morning, for sure, man.”[/color] The promise came easily. Where was he going to find a dozen peanut butter donuts? Not sure, but he [i]was[/i] going to find them. He had to now. Davy frowned for a second, thinking it strange that Jar’s ol’ twinkie lookin’ ass agreed to donuts so quickly. Then: it dawned on him. [color=228b22]”Oh, right you’re used to smoking that skunk weed, here man I got you…”[/color] Davy slung his backpack over his shoulder and unzipped one of the MANY available pockets to him and withdrew a massive bag of cheesy Munchies, thrusting it toward Jar. [color=228b22]”The munchies are real, my friend. Don’t worry it’s only gonna get better…”[/color] Jareth made saucer eyes at the bag of snacks. [color=slategray]”Tight.”[/color] he said before tearing open the bag and crunching down on a handful. [color=slategray]”Your right, it’s gonna be better, cause yer coming to the partyyy.”[/color] Jar held the last syllable in a mixture of a slur or an attempt to make a silly face, it was hard to tell which. Truth be told, not even Jareth was certain what that was supposed to be, he was just excited both of his best friends were coming tonight. [hr] Holding her skateboard now, Ely muttered, “[color=8882be]Who the fuck decided it was a good idea to put a beach behind woods?[/color]” Obviously, she didn’t like not being able to skate because of some damn hiking trail that anyone could get lost in at night. Not a good sign for drunkards, but it would lead to amusing events, that’s for sure. From a distance, she saw Rhett and Sierra by the water line. Leading the way, she observed the finishing product of the party. It looked dope as fuck. [color=228b22]”Yep I instantly regret every decision that has brought me to this moment of my life. Why is it so colorful? Why are there so many people? Why is there so much paint? Why can’t I skate? We’re at the beach and I don’t even have my surfboard, I’m about to turn 360 degrees and walk away.”[/color] Davy whined. His skateboard was hanging off of the special clip that he’d long ago had attached to his backpack--climbing up buildings and shit was [i]hard[/i] while having to simultaneously manage the board. It was easier if it just hung there. Getting to the actual beach was hell, Jareth wasn’t even sure how they made it through the mess of tree roots without casualties, but here they were. [color=slategray]”Is the sand.. fucking glowing? Rad..”[/color] he remarked at the glowstick-laden beach. Right, party time… Priority one, find the host - bro - future king - Rhett. Priority two, obtain booze and keep it lit. A quick scan of the crowd found Rhett so Jar headed in that direction. [color=slategray]”YO, dope party my friend!”[/color] Jareth said once there and offered a fist to Rhett, whom happily bumped it. It was then that Jar realized Sierra was there too, and covered in paint. [color=slategray]”Nice… where’d yah get the paint at?”[/color] “[color=ffbf00]Jar!!! My boi. You look hella money.[/color]” The host pulled away from comforting his friend and pointed a water gun toward Jareth, “[color=ffbf00]Right here, mate.[/color]” With no warning, Rhett blasted Jar with glowing green paint, before tossing the gun at him, “[color=ffbf00]Have fun. There’s different colors in like… the guns.[/color]” He gestured to the water guns throughout the beach, like this was a fucking warzone. David, deciding that he didn’t want to be here much longer than necessary decided to take the opportunity to grab one of the neon sticks sitting in the sand--specifically, one of the blue ones--and walked over to Jar, thwacking him on the back with it. [color=228b22]”Alright, El Capitan. I made an appearance, now I’m ollie outtie. Before someone [i]talks to me[/i].”[/color] [color=slategray]”Awee, come on it’s been like….”[/color] there was a long pause as Jareth’s brain tried to calculate an actual amount of time that they had been here before he gave up and settled on: [color=slategray]”Like minus ten minutes.”[/color] Jar even stuck out his best pouty lip, but Davy wasn’t buying it. Deciding to at least urge the kid to have some fun, the pout turned to a smirk as he raised the super soaker and immediately assaulted the skater with a coating of green paint to match his own personal body art. [color=228b22]”HEY. That might stain! Mom’s gonna [i]kill me[/i].”[/color] Davy complained, sighing as he looked down at the paint splattered onto his grey sweater, pouting a little himself. Perking up at the sound of Davy’s voice (surprised he even came), Rhett waved at him like the jolly man he was, “[color=ffbf00]DAVY! Man, so glad you came. DUDE.[/color]” His train of thought went to the mental image of Mrs. Powers (hot damn), “[color=ffbf00]Your mom kills me, man! She’s money. And by money I mean… a milf. Yeah. You got it good.[/color]” Davy paused for a second, unsure if there was anything else he even could say to that, and instead slung his backpack to the front of himself and unzipped it, grumbling as he pulled out his bong. [color=228b22]”I can’t handle this kinda stuff man, my mom ain’t no milf, she’s a mom! With a loving husband!”[/color] Davy clicked his lighter and sucked on the bong as it bubbled and smoked up, before pulling the block out of the way and inhaling the entire cloud, holding it in his chest until he coughed and hacked it all out for a second, pounding on his chest. He then dug his hand deeper into the bag, withdrawing a paperbag which he stuffed into Rhett’s arms. [color=228b22]”Here is all the weed I brought with me, please never call my mom a milf again, goddamn.”[/color] Shaking his head, he zipped the backpack up and turned around and started to leave. Freedom called. The blonde teen with an intrigued stare watched the scene unfold from the sidelines. While the boys were chatting it up, she grabbed a can of beer and a small water gun, before noticing Davy heading back into the forest. Oh, this won’t do. He was the most [i]interesting[/i] person at this party. After opening the can and taking a sip (yes still with her gum in her mouth), Ely silently trailed behind.