[center][color=lightpink][h1][b]Sadie Hill[/b][/h1][/color] [img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1a.png[/img] [hider=Sadie Hill][img]http://www.childstarlets.com/captures/videocaps/abreslin/zombieland/abzomb49.jpg[/img][/hider] Interacting with : Ronin[@iHxzardx], Lily[@smarty0114], Wynona[@MissCapnCrunch] [img]http://www.wilsoninfo.com/lines/calligraphic-horizontal-line-1a.png[/img][/center] Sadie returned Lily's hug then stood with her hands behind her back as Wynona spoke. When Wynona's question left her lips Sadie instantly froze with obvious shock on her face.. She quickly said, [color=lightpink]"No. Ro and I have been friends for so long. He's one of my best friends."[/color] As soon as Sadie said this she regretted having said it so quickly. Sadie didn't know how Ro felt about her, but she hoped that what she said didn't make it seem like she didn't like him. She quickly tried to make them focus on something else, [color=lightpink]"Umm-uh-so Wynona this is Ro. Ro this is Wynona. We've been in the same class before. Is it alright, if we come along with y'all during the carnival?"[/color] sounding very nervous.