[Center][h1][color=f7941d]Orez Shrin[/color][/h1][/center] Apparently he wasn't the only one who decided to skip out on caffeine today, as the girl seemed to be on the brink of fainting due to how much energy she's trying to output that she doesn't actually have. He takes his eyes off of the girl to observe the map displayed before him. Knowing that there was a map on his device may have been helpful earlier, but then again he can't recall an occurence where he needed it before now. He automatically identifies the coastal region of the map where he had been training beforehand. Not that far from the pokemon center, but then he recalls the arduous events it took to get to this town in the first place. Where was his place of origin again? It didn't really matter. [color=f7941d]"I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?"[/color] He asks, snapping himself out of that rather pitiable amazement over a map. [color=f7941d]"Wait, nevermind I remember. You wanted to know where to go in preperation for the normal type gym, right? Well I was planing to head there as well eventually. Honestly if you can find a fighting type pokemon, that would work wonders on your chances. The path leading there could possibly have a timburr or if you're lucky, even a heracross. I'd be happy to assist you in your search, as well as protect us from any pokemon that attempt to mauraud us along the way."[/color] After he finishes looking over the map, he takes his pokeball and starts tossing it up and down in his hand with semi-idle impatience to get on with his newly concocted plan. [color=f7941d]"My name is Orez, not the wizard that your... friend here thinks I am. Not that I mind the nickname too much," [/color]he shrugs. [@dabombjk][@Noxx]