Forgotten Hold Many years ago there were four great nations. They had many differences but still lived together peacefully. However, the peace was not to last. When the sons took over things spiraled into insanity. the four sons were violent and greedy, taking from the people and each other. Famine went across the land, so much blood spilled on all sides. Eventually the nations collapsed into poverty . Unable to fight each other or even provide for themselves. One nation decided to leave and find a more fertile land to build a life. In a few years the other three followed suit and left the towns and cities to the forest to start a new life. Now the only thing that remains of that time is a hold. Built to last the keep held the entire history of the nations. Only time will tell if it will be found. For now the memories of happiness and sadness, peace and war, reside here echoing along the maze like corridors like a ghost of time.