[1.3] The strong winter breeze slammed continuously over the black fur wrapped around the head and back of the Parraanstrider. The creature he was hunting in the wastes doubled his size. However, he was not noticed. Laying on the snow, next to a large rock with spikes, he made the perfect disguise. There was no Mayval in sight as well. It seemed like Thagar went alone on this one, leaving his companion behind in the village of Tur'tan by the looks of it. The creature, or prey in this case, was part of the Giantonostril blood family. Large and fat bodies, covered with natural armor solid as the rock on the back and sides, the creature gave impression of being unable to move with any good speed at all. However, still regardless to that fact Thagar to be extremely careful with his approach. Slowly and without any sound of movement, he wrapped his fingers around the large spear and tightened the grip. The timing to strike had to be perfect in this case. Any slight mistake could lead to his death, and he was aware of this. Creature, by it's nature however, had no eyes at all and was only moving and hunting by it's nose, thus the specie-family name. Parraanstrider was only focused at his movement and noise production at this rate, as that was the only thing that could lead to him slipping and getting caught by this gigantic creature. Spear was at this rate completely in his hand, and the time to strike was right. In a swift move, Thagar jumped from the snow, somewhat even from the laying position, and aimed his spear towards the neck of the beast. While in air, he noticed that the beast was already looking in his direction, snorting viciously as it sensed him. It was not good at all. The beast started to shout as he arrived really close in the air. In a swift move, beast threw Thagar sideways before he could even impale it. He dropped the spear upon impact, landing on his back into the snow. A bad moment for him, indeed. Beast followed his path with it's body, and then charged into the direction of his landing. [color=00aeef]This is bad, at this rate I'll be dismembered by it!"[/color] Said Thagar as he was looking around, somewhat dizzy, for his weapon and only choice of defense. The spear he wielded, however, was thrown too far from him. Mere seconds were about to decide his fate as even the beast itself gained a lot of speed in it's charge. Thagar slowly pushed himself up to his knee's and remained somewhat in lowered position. As the beast approached him, he pushed himself off the ground and jumped between it's legs. Due to inability to see, beast struck it's tusks into the ground where sound of Thagar's jump was a mere second before. Weaponless at this rate, he had no other choice but to remain still. Creature raised it's head and looked both ways in shock, growling and shouting viciously in anger. Unless he moved, there was no chance that the beast could notice him. Even if he did, he was out of range of the tusks because he was beneath the beast. However, with it's gigantic size and weight, it would easily crush his body in paranoia and fear with it's own movement. Several seconds passed before the large amount of blood dripped all over Thagar's face. He widened his eyes in shock, letting out a huge exhale of relief and moved to the side to use his chance. It was Mayval, Parraanstrider's companion. Nobody even saw him approaching in the snow, nor heard. He used his chance to jump and bite a vital point on the neck of the creature. Mayval remained on the creature, and they both fell onto the snow sideways. [color=00aeef]"Mayval, you took your time to show up! But on the other hand, my loyal friend, your timing couldn't been better!"[/color] Yelled Thagar as he picked up his spear. Both wolf and creature were growling and shouting. Desperate movements were made as a futile attempt to survive by the beast, however there was no luck nor chance for it to make it. Thagar ran up the beast and struck his spear through it's large head, with full force. Last reflex movements happened, and then beast went into silence not long after. Wolf released it's grip over the creature's neck, taking a few steps back. Blood was dripping from his teeth and mouth, leaving a red mark on the snow. [color=00aeef]"My dear Mayval,"[/color] Thagar walked towards his companion, carelessly leaving the spear struck into the beast's head, [color=00aeef]"you saved my life."[/color] He crouched next to his wolf and started to pet him. Mayval shown nothing but love back, clearly wishing to cuddle a bit. [color=00aeef]"You might want to take a few steps back, though. It's about to get ugly here, however, you'll grab a piece or two to eat."[/color] Thagar kept talking to his companion. Parraanstrider was clearly about to skin and then dismember the beast. There was a lot of meat and skin on the beast, more than simply enough for Thagar to sell to his fellow villagers and even keep his own and Mayval's belly filled up for the time being.