I did [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3852979]a thing![/url] Namely details on Sweethearts once I spend another Might point on them. It's way long, again, and honestly does not affect anyone yet. Eventually they might be a useful-ish resource, though. Open to lots of suggestions or interpretations on the drug mechanics, it's meant to be whatever you all find potentially interesting. [hider=tl;dr] here we go. >so we got sweethearts right >they're called that because they're literally just flying hearts with tentacles >that are the size of poodles >and their tongues are arc welding torches >if you kick them they bite reflexively >with an arc welder >it hurts >seriously though they're actually just meant to be crewmen on the arks >hence the blowtorch and wire cutters and all the other stuff they can have in their mouth >they have a lot of weird eldritch shit inside them that fuels them >it doesn't spontaneously generate they need to eat to keep themselves topped up >while they're in space though it means they go nyooom >NYOOOOOOOM >they can form populations from only two parents without being inbred rednecks >because reasons >no incest taboo gender or social hierarchy fuck that shit >they're basically bonobos >when they're born they're basically just hearts >need to be implanted in a body to grow up >usually that means an ark breeding pod >or, with surgical intervention, someone's unfortunate cow >mooooooo >then they crawl out of the cow grow to full size live to the ripe old age of fifteen and promptly die >it's not actually fun crawling out of the cow though it's kind of depressing for them >everything is >see the thing is sweethearts are the cutest, most innocent little bundles of love you can imagine >EVERYONE is their friend >that diaphane that just ate their mother? >friend >the guy who raised them to be systematically slaughtered? >friend >that lady who uses them as slaves on her biotech project? >friend >they are really fucking clueless >like not kidding here they are dumber than a sack of bricks >so yeah sweethearts don't understand the concept of violence >or taking advantage of others >to them it's just really sad and confusing when things get hurt >even if those things were trying to eat them and they bit them by reflex >they'll deliberately try not to bite things even if they're about to die >being wild in galbar gets real depressing for them real fast unless they have constant safety and affection >unfortunately for them there's a reason for people to give them both >see the reason sweethearts go NYOOOOOM is because they were originally built to get chased and eaten by diaphanes >and to motivate the diaphanes each sweetheart gave them a caffeine sugar rush >but diaphanes are basically just really hungry rainbow ghosts >it takes a lot to get them high >so what's caffeine to diaphanes is cocaine to everyone else >what happens when you eat a sweetheart is two things >first you get really, REAlly smart >or at least as smart as you could have been if you hadn't slept in Chem >you delinquent >anyway >then you insta-read everything Friedrich Nietzsche ever wrote, forget your morals, and go Full Nihilist >at least to the extent that you know it's not going to mess you up when the high wears off >like you might not be a super genius because of this stuff but you're smart enough not to ruin yourself >it's kind of weird and I didn't put as much philosophical thought into it as I should have >can be exploited for good or evil, but is generally just used for personal satisfaction in whatever form >also it slowly gives you the munchies for human flesh did i mention that [/hider] ed: oh yeah and they have a theme drug time [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRXCg1430Ng[/youtube]