Customers... Had one today that verbally abused the living fuck out of me, called me a rude bastard, told me I didn't deserve my job, that I had no manners, that he was the customer I should be serving and for me to take my attention away from him to quickly ask another customer if they were alright was the most disgusting act he had ever witnessed. The other person had a 5 second question that he wanted answered... Which product is better? It was only a $5 item. Worse part was it flared up my anxiety. The fact that I was publicly humiliated in front of customers and co-workers (even if they understood I was 100% in the clear), the personal verbal attacks, and me constantly trying to apologise and tell him I'm sorry for 'somehow' offend him. I know many people here would say that I should have told him to get lost or even piss off, but that is not how our business runs. We have the motto of being friendly and helpful, and it is part of a multi-billion dollar corporation that believes in this motto. So yay... Thank you sir for giving me an anxiety attack because you, the amazing individual, failed to see that the helpful worker that was trying to offer you service also deals with depression. Why am I always the one that ends up copping the most ridiculous amount of bullshit from people?