Chromite nodded approvingly at what Sphene had to say and began following Bloodstone as instructed. She looked back at Strengite to see if he was coming, but said nothing. As Bloodstone had said, he'd follow if he wanted to. Unfortunately, it looked like many of the new gems [i]didn't[/i] want to, but that was not for her to worry about. If they became a threat later, she'd deal with them. She was amused by Bloodstone's comment, laughing internally. [color=darkgray]"Hoping for a workout, Commander? Shall we be bringing the new recruit with us? And what of Bixbite? I'm entirely confident that we can handle whatever may be in town on our own, but it would probably be good for her if she were allowed to join us."[/color] [i][color=darkgray]And I'm not particularly interested in hearing what she has to say if she feels like we left her behind again.[/color][/i] [@rocketrobie2][@Kronshi][@SevenStormStyle]