Oh great...only a few minutes into this important Duel League of Justice (name pending) and there were already two people storming off angrily to go do that angry brooding thing that seems to come naturally to talented duelists. Maisy just kinda stayed in her seat, sipping on a glass of orange juice as Andre and Hayate's brother stormed off. [color=BC8F8F][i]"It always takes a big 'ol terrorist attack and vehicular manslaughter to bring people together."[/i][/color] she thought to herself before she finished drinking her juice. Her butt still hurt from yesterday, after she'd thoroughly had her ass kicked in the gymnastics competition...ah well. At least she got an invitation to the basketball team. That's a nice fallback plan. Figuring it'd be best to speak once all the arguing and brooding was done, Maisy gave Haas a smile as she held up her camera, opening up the shutters and extending the lens out. [color=BC8F8F][b]"If you need snooping done, I'm your girl. I've been stalking almost everyone in this room for at LEAST Six hours this month,even. Haas, your underwear is white with blue pinstripes."[/b][/color] she said, grinning as she gave him a thumbs up. Her tone of voice was confident, although in the back of her mind, Maisy was thinking: [color=BC8F8F][i]"I wonder if this is how you DON'T make friends...probably. Definitely. [/i][/color] [color=BC8F8F][b]"Buuuut then again...if I get caught, they'll probably break my camera..."[/b][/color] Maisy added, humming as she crossed her arms, the strap for her camera now slung over her torso. Closing her eyes and holding her chin in her hand for a moment, Maisy spoke once more: [color=BC8F8F][b]"The best place to start looking around for information is always with people who you THINK have nothing to do with this...So, maybe some Light Dorm students have an idea?"[/b][/color]