[quote=@Gunther] On another note, as i read your Character Sheets, I am writing notes on relationships and perceptions Lt. Jovar has of your character. It should help me in keeping track of his reactions to your characters in character. It is a habit I picked up from HeySeuss many years ago; a tool that works very well for me. [/quote] Saw that yesterday. Few notes: Vash is technically one of the older people on the ship (she's around 60-something), with experience as both a battle field commander and experience as a special operator (hence her mission from Starfleet Intelligence). In terms of overall experience she's shorter than the ideal Starfleet capital ship CO, sure, but at this point in the war you have precious, precious, few Picards and Siskos. Meaning the ideal ship CO candidate isn't very practical right now. But compare her to, say, James T. Kirk at a similar point in their careers and she dwarfs him in the area of experience. The war sped up the timelines of many careers by warp speeds: Sisko would've been a flag officer when the dust settled had he not gone all cosmic, for example. She destroyed two Gor'Taans (Memory Alpha calls them simply 'Breen warships'), not one, during the Gold Squad incident. I got nothing for "seat of her pants" command style--this is just true. Sorta. She's fairly by the book except when it comes to combat; there she trusts the instincts that got her this far. She's into intergalactic MMA: that is, she's mixed Romulan, Vulcan, Andorian, human, even some Klingon martial arts--crafting her own unique brand of hand-to-hand combat, combined with Vulcan strength, durability, and touch telepathy. She rarely spars with non-holograms, maybe it can be a sub-plot that the Klingon officer tries to talk her into it?