[color=#AC58FA]Be it visions or falsified memories idling in rapid reveal upon the decimation of Holleigh's thoughts. It was hard to say exactly what it was, but she knew only that something quite terrible had served to take her astray. Trying to recall the very moments before her world was seemingly dissolved into the enigma of silent abyss, led upon by unfriendly spirits. If there was anything she could recall, it was the house and how she had ventured into it yet again, to discover something, she had only wished to discover from the beginning, but had the ill-fated luxury of being denied the succession of achieving. The eagerness of that discovery had led her to learn of other things that she hardly sought. [i]Spirits, vengeful spirits.. Spirits that deemed to do her harm- but had they-..?[/i] Left to atone by the thought of her own feeble mind and body being invaded upon by the illwill of wicked spirits, served to motivate a chill down her back. It was the first real feeling she had felt with her reawakening back into life and a reality that she was only partially certain was that of her own. The feeling grew as the inaudible sounds made by near deaf ears began to chip and crackle at the former shroud of her disillusionment of possession. A possession that remained entirely unknown to her, through more conscious knowledge. The unfamiliar voices of her mind began to subside, and with their slow closure into silence came the replaced ambiance of the room she found herself remaining within. At first she wasn't sure where she was. A distant crackling sound of a television fizzing about in the near distance, somewhere, unknown to her. Then of course the regularities of her own body adjusted back into proper position, as human instinct came to bloom. Natural response came to resolve the former confusion that left Holleigh's mind near hung in a state of limbo, where only ghastly consciences of others served to dictate her movements. With the regain of her hearing, Holleigh began to shift her head towards the source of noise that directed her pale unconscious illustrated eyes, through the absence of light around her. As she did the colour within those fickle eyes came to rejuvenate the colour of their naturally aghast sapphires hues. It was only then that she heard the light steps of someone approach, followed momentarily by a question she hardly felt ready to answer. Never mind baring far too many of her own, that had yet to slip from her disbelief struck lips. [i]'Who are you'?[/i] A question Holleigh felt very uncertain beckoning answer to with easy cooperation. [i]'Why were you in that mansion'?[/i] Another query for a subject she'd wish to share. Especially not within the company of strangers who had seemingly taken her from the presence of the same very thing, they seemed to demand answers to, upon some misunderstood logic of correlation. [i]What had she got herself into now?[/i] The rest of what her censorious company desired answer to, became irrelevant at the instinct of misunderstood trust, growing inside her. Thus the serene limbo like mentality of her mind began to thrash and torrent at her own sense of ignorant discomfort. With immediate response, led upon apprehensive instinct, Holleigh drew her knees to her chest in withdrawing cradle. A sign of her discomfort and evident fear among the presence of a strange who had seemingly abducted her. Enclosing herself in an almost huddle before her company would shed her feelings blatantly, to whom it was that stood before her. Uneasiness plagued her stature as the evidence of desirable withdraw, came to dictate some show of mistrust, only outlined by a sense of much more curious guilt. [color=white][i][b]“I-ii-i..-!”[/b][/i][/color] A stutter of an answer came slipping from dark nervous lips, before a light attempt to swallow her anxiety followed. As she spoke the peer of her eyes would turn upon that in which she spoke to. Only now just embracing the reality of the man she saw standing before her. There was a peak of concern in the consistent dread of her mood. For a moment the insightful address of those sapphires hues would only find themselves frozen on the chain worn around the other's arm, inevitably separating him from others Holleigh often found herself baring sensible conversations with. Guilt tripped from the fragile threshold that held it back, as her brows raised with notary incredulity. For a moment, she'd only just stare upon the sight before her, before moving onward to finish her rather disquieted answer to the odd one who demanded it. [color=white][i][b]“Who-o are you-u? Uh-h, why- where am I?”[/b][/i][/color] Holleigh's answer seemed to turn the contents of her own given question back into full cycle of anything but progressive response, shared by an almost quiet coy response of tone. “Where did you- come from..?” Another question slipped the ruse of her inevitable disquietude. A means of turning the situation away from her and back onto the one that had evidently taken her from the things she sought to find answer to. [color=white][i][b]“Are you-.. From the mansion-?”[/b][/i][/color] A final question to rotate the circumstance of anything but dynamic conversation, wagered to exploit Holleigh's sense of intrigue. For she had no idea who it was that stood before her, nor why he did, but she did know that whoever he was, made him seem very different then most other people she had met..[/color]