Rosline looked up from the flowers she was tending in the courtyard to see Crim on Seralth. They were flying again which was a great sight. They hadn't flown much since Crim was teaching Gaelin and didn't find the time to take her out much anymore. Roz smiled and stayed knelt down by the flowers. Everything was going to be in full bloom soon and she enjoyed the beauty of it. [color=9966CC]"Alexander would love to see them flying again."[/color] she said softly to herself. Rosline stood and walked over to a small pavilion and sat on the bench under it. [color=9966CC]"Speaking of which, where is my husband."[/color] she looked around and called over a guard. [color=9966CC]"Could you give Sir Alexander a message for me? Tell him his wife is waiting in the courtyard and has a proposition for him."[/color] Roz smiled as the guard nodded and left to find him. She missed the life outside of the kingdom walls and thought it was time she tell him about her secret. She couldn't keep sneaking out to satisfy her "gift". It seemed more of a curse than a gift now. Crim knew of it, but promised to let Rosline tell Alexander. Now was her chance to tell him. A ride outside the kingdom walls would give them plenty of space to be alone. And if her didn't take to her secret well, he would be far enough for her to give an adequate explanation on the way back to their quarters.