[color=blue][h3][center]Graeden Yourshaw[/center][/h3][/color] "Well that was a partial waste of time," Graeden said with slight disappointment as he and Apollyon made there was up a staircase. After an hour or so of thumping his head realizing he had bit off more then he could chew, he had called it quits on trying to read what was pretty much gibberish at the moment. The language barrier was going to take a little more to over come then he had first anticipated. Apollyon followed next to him, not entire pleased she had to walk but at the same time after a failed attempt of trying to get on Graeden shoulders, it was decided best that they would walk on foot. While just born, she was far heavier then he thought she would of been. He had joked that if she had weighed that much all ready no telling how big she was going to be later which resulted in her making an attempt at nipping his ear like she had previously in the day. Shortly after that incident a thought dawn on Graeden, he still had no idea what type of dragon Apollyon was. She had tried to tell him through their connection but the word was to difficult for her at the time. At least in one of the books there were pictures so he brought it with him. The book seemed to be about different types of dragons if the images were anything to go by. He figured he would play a game of point and guess with Apollyon to determine what she was. "Jeesh you think we could of gotten a room on a lower floor," he joked reaching the floor that their room was on. Upon reaching the floor he noticed a set of sliding doors along one of the walls ",Of course there was an elevator I didn't notice." Apollyon gave an annoyed growl at him."Hey you didn't know either," Graeden replied as they continued down the hall. Eventually they came across their room: [b]Room 312[/b] [i]Graeden Yourshaw Eun-mi Seong[/i] "Well here's our stop," Graeden said opening the door, as he opened it, it sounded like the person he was sharing the space with was all ready there. He walked inside looking at the interior briefly before walking down the hall. He stopped looking at his name on a brass plate similar to the one that marked the apartment door. He was about to enter his when he noticed the other open and couldn't kill the curiosity inside him as he looked in. "Boy it seems like a war happened in here," he said aloud looking inside. Seeing who he assumed was Eun-mi Seong inside he quickly apologized."Forgive the sudden intrusion but just wanted to meet the person I'd be sharing the apartment with. I'm Graeden Yourshaw." He felt something nudge at his leg and he looked down."Oh yes, this is Apollyon," he added. Apollyon remained near Graeden looking within before looking up at Graeden.[i]"Friend?"[/i] she ask to which he nodded. Or he at least hoped she would be since they were going to be sharing the apartment.