Camryn was uncharacteristically quiet, sitting near Megan and Nathaniel. She was all for infiltrating Dark Dorm and kicking some butt, but she figured it'd be best to see how many of her fellow students were also into that idea, and so far, not many of them were. She decided to go ahead and speak up, or else her opinion might be lost amidst the others'. [color=007236]"Personally, I agree with... Er, sorry, I don't know your name."[/color] She indicated Michelle ([@Scarifar]) with a tip of her head. [color=007236]"But she's got the right idea. As long as we're not too obvious about it, we should be fine, especially if we happen to learn something important! I'm sure that the teachers and principal will appreciate it, right?"[/color] She asked with a smile.