[center][b][h1][color=firebrick]Scarlet Resonance[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://img2.blog.zdn.vn/35052593.jpg[/img] [url=http://souleater.wikia.com/wiki/Soul_Eater_Wiki]Soul Eater Wikia[/url] || [url=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/RWBY_Wiki]RWBY Wikia[/url] || [url=https://discord.gg/kSBUXzK]OOC Chat[/url] || [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/140382-scarlet-resonance-rwby-x-soul-eater-crossover/ooc]Interest Check[/url][/center] It's been almost two hundred years since a peace treaty has been established between Witches and their Meister counterparts. In that time, much has developed between the two cultures including the acceptance that finalized "Death Weapons" can no longer be created due to the lack of a witch's soul. Because of this, future weapons are to be entirely stuck in their premature stages for the complete duration of their life. However, this is not entirely bad. As it seems, the world is not without need for these weapons regardless of their condition. As time went on, mysterious creatures began to appear as manifestations of one's malicious intents and wishes. These beings were attracted to negative emotions and disturbingly fed off of them. Catching the world off guard, these creatures of darkness ravage cities and towns, killing thousands and causing twice as much in damage. Appropriately named, these creatures would become known as "The Creatures of Grimm" or simply "Grimm". Budgets were further put into place. Meisters slowly became known to the world and despite paranormal skepticism, were later accepted as a professional occupation. Now, the career of being a Meister or Weapon has slowly crawled the ranks appearing in the military, colleges and even academies across the globe. Now with a new line of defense; hope and light have begun to resurface to the world. Children of witches and humans alike became a symbol of the future and are named with artistic intent to fight away the darkness that would bite away at their future. . and these children would evolve into fine warriors, leaders or further contributors to the revolution against the creatures of Grimm. This is where your story begins: in an academy. Specifically, an academy known as "Vitus Academy" intended for future warriors and their partners between the ages of sixteen to twenty-three. Whether or not a long time attendee or a newbie, you and your partner better get geared up. You have some Grimm to fight and evil souls to collect. [hr][hr] [center][b][h2][color=firebrick]Races[/color][/h2][/b] [hider=Human]The most "ordinary" race of them all. Because of their general past as a race and arrogant presence in the world, they have past tensions with both Faunus and witches. It should be noted that, however, over the past hundred years or so, have become great friends with witchkind. Despite their overall lack of extraordinary abilities, they seem to be a race who believes in the impossible and has achieved many incredible and fantastic feats.[/hider] [hider=Witch]A race with a certain magical potential. For centuries, they were at odds with the human race, mainly those who chose the life of being a Meister or Death Weapon. Over the past hundred years or so, they have become great friends with humankind. Although witches are almost always female, it has become discovered in the past fifty years or so that males of the race also exist. Aside from being able to wield a weapon, witches are able to manipulate supernatural forces around them to utilize magic spells. Their spells are generally based on an animal theme as well as their personality and traits. For this Roleplay, witches are restricted to casting spells based on animals, including the ability to morph into that animal and any three extra spell of the writer's choice. Though being treated with a stereotypical nature of being malicious and fearful, many Witches hold authority in religion and government these days. They have souls with purple hues.[/hider] [hider=Faunus]An idealistic race that is almost identical to their counterparts aside from one small feature: they have certain characteristics relating to that of an animal. A full-bred Faunus may have two or three animalistic traits which could involve eyes, ears, nose, tails and so on. All Faunus have night vision and depending on their "base animal", enhanced senses such as quicker reflexes, better hearing and so on.[/hider] [hider=Android]An "artificial race" that has been created in recent years to combat the ever-growing Grimm threat. Androids often appear like humans, but are designed to feel and think a certain way. Androids may also have a myriad of skills such as superhuman endurance or so on. Many other species are wary of Androids and as a result, this "race" is often forced to hide in the plain sight of others.[/hider][/center] [hr][hr] [center][b][h2][color=firebrick]Rules[/color][/h2][/b][/center][list] [*]All regular site rules apply. [*]Romance is perfectly fine! If you want to go past the hugging and kissing phase, then take it to PMs or "fade to black". [*]Absolutely [i][b]no[/b][/i] meta-gaming, power-playing or godmodding is permitted. I will call you out on it if it happens. [*]No OOC drama is permitted. First one to start is the first one to get kicked out. Warnings may or may not be applied. [*]Do not kill, harm or control another player's character without their consent. [*]Do [u][b]not[/b][/u] force romance onto another player or their character. [*]Roleplaying is a hobby, not a job. Have fun and if it is stressing you out, take a break or don't be ashamed to drop out. [/list] [hr][hr] [center][b][h2][color=firebrick]Character Sheet[/color][/h2][/b][/center] Your character [i][b]must[/b][/i] be accepted before you can post in the "Character" tab to the right. Once you are accepted, you can post your character there as well. All brackets must be deleted before the character sheet is submitted. The partner section can be left empty until you choose a partner and can be filled out during a later date. [hider=] [center][Character Image Goes Here.] Song lyrics/quote goes here.[/center] [b]Full Name:[/b] [Characters must be named after a color or something that reminds you of a color.] [b]Nickname(s):[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [Between the ages of 16 to 23. There may be exceptions, but you have to see me about that.] [b]Birthday && Astrological Sign:[/b] [b]Color:[/b] [That your character represents.] [b]Species:[/b] [Human, Faunus, Witch or Android.] [b]Nationality:[/b] [Where do you originate from? Vitus Academy accepts students from all around the world!] [b]Animalistic Traits: [/b][For [i]Faunus[/i] [u]only[/u].] [b]Magical Spells:[/b] [What animal can your character turn into? What other TWO spells do they have access to? For [i]Witches[/i] [u]only[/u].] [b]Aura Color:[/b] [b]Soul Appearance:[/b] [b]Class:[/b] [Death Weapon or Meister?] [b]Meister Abilities:[/b] [For [i]Meisters[/i] [u]only[/u]. Describe any abilities that you may have (that aren't race exclusive).] [b]Weapon:[/b] [For [i]Weapons[/i] [u]only.[/u] Your weapon has more than one mode and can use dust or aura. ] [b]Partner:[/b] [Can be filled out later.] [b]Brief Personality && Biography Description:[/b] [b]Themesong:[/b] [Optional.] [b]Other:[/b] [Anything that may have been missed.][/hider]