The knights looked uncomfortably around, clearly reluctant to discuss the topic. The gravity of the situation evidently won out as the knight continued speaking. “It is said that in the last days that Sigmar shall return. A great man shall arise to herald his coming. The herald shall have a heart of fire and the blood of a dragon will flow through his vein. He will stand as beacon to Holy Sigmar and death will touch him not,” the Knight concluded. “That is why you have the dragon eggs,” Isoulde breathed, clearly appalled. “Dragon Eggs?!” Hilde started her yes tracking down to the chest. Such a thing would be beyond worth. Wizards and princes would mortgage their estates for a dragon egg. The scribe’s eyes were bludging with the outrage of a fanatic. He drew the sword from his scabbard but seemed unwilling to advance on the trio. The impasse lasted for an uncomfortable few seconds and then the scribe angrily rammed the sword back into the sheathe. “We will take these precious relics to the mother house in Altdorf.” “Uhh.. there is a siege you know,” Hilde responded, belatedly realisng she was still pointing her pistol. She wanted to be away from here badly and was wondering if she could get a horse out the gate in the confusion. Before she could decide on a course of action a great shriek of triumph came from the Chaos spawn outside. A young Knight staggered through the doorway, blood fountaining from his mouth, his hastily donned chest plate half caved in from some vast blow. Maybe the siege was over… Balgar sliced into the neck of another soldier, just deep enough to sever the man’s artery before recovering his blade to deflect a spear point coming for his chest. There was a cold mathematical precision to his swordsmanship which made him particularly terrible to face. The chaos warriors, heavily armoured and powerful were caving in the flank of the knights hastily organised formation. Beastmen swarmed into the break, dragging down the wounded and fouling the weapons of the exhausted d defenders. By know Crovendiff and his force would have scaled the rear wall of the castle, cutting off any escape that the defenders might dream of. The failure at the convoy would be cleansed and mighty Tzeench would look upon him with favour. Perhaps he would celebrate by having Crovendiff nailed to his standard. Smiling, Balgar strode into the carnage with renewed enthusiasm