As the shock faded, Emerald noticed the death stare coming his way. It was Bloodstone. Bloodstone was referring to him. Something about [i]not[/i] wanting to hurt him. That was good. However, given the red Gem's reaction to Verdelite, Emerald definitely needed to keep it that way. Besides, he didn't feel like he was going to be the one to rebel. Something about that felt innately....wrong to him. He couldn't place why. The talk of an angry Bloodstone bearing down on him didn't help either. Especially considering Bloodstone's [color=darkgray]backup[/color]. Yeesh. Emerald decided that the best course of action for now was to...mediate. That seemed like a good idea. [color=00a651]"S-sorry about the laser thing, Bloodstone...Sir? I'd certainly like to find out why....[i]that[/i] happens and how to make it stop, and more about why I can even do this. This is all very confusing, and you seem like you could help."[/color] [color=00a651][i]Well, it's not like I'm lying....[/i][/color]