Inside the cockpit of Natasha's MiG-23, things were a lot calmer than in the other cockpits. Countless dogfights flying in two wars and only getting shot down once by the Ace of Aces ensured Natasha's calmness in the midst of calamity. [b]<<[/b] Scratch one for Meteor, scratch one for Romeo. That leaves eight of them. Give 'em hell guys! [b]>>[/b] [i]Either our pilots are really good or theirs are really bad, to be taken down in MiG-29s. Looks like I'll be able to get that fifth kill after all,[/i] Natasha thought. As the plane she was chasing had been downed by Romeo, Natasha searched for another bandit. Before she could find one, her cockpit erupted into the sound of missile locks. Natasha inverted the Flogger and pulled up, diving hard down and left. A quick head swivel revealed that there were not one but two Fulcrums chasing her. While the most experienced of the group, she knew that this was not a good situation. "Yellow here - two bogeys on my six. Can anyone assist?" She called as she made a hard right, avoiding a missile. As she pulled out of the turn she slammed the throttle and the wings of the MiG-23 swept back. With a top speed of Mach 2.32, the MiG-23 slightly bested the 29's Mach 2.25. It was a gamble to go for high speed in a dogfight, but she went for it as the afterburner kicked in and she flew in a long, upward and left curve. Her missile locks momentarily subsided and she pulled up sharply as she cut power and hit the airbrakes, causing her airspeed to sharply reduce. With luck, this would send the pursuing MiGs underneath and past her as she leveled out her climb. The maneuver worked, the two MiGs sliding in front of her below, but not before they were able to make a few hits with their cannons. Natasha's plane was rattled but functional and she was unhurt. She slammed on the throttle again to catch up to the now running MiGs, noting a reduction in agility after the cannon hits. She was still close behind the MiGs and saw an opportunity. She got missile lock for the left MiG and quickly fired off an AA-11 Archer heat-seeking missile, calling "Fox Two" as it screamed towards the left MiG, and barely after that missile had left the aircraft she got missile lock on the right MiG and fired off another Archer, calling "Fox Two" again. She was down two Archer missiles but had the chance to get both her fifth and sixth kill. Immediately after her second missile left the aircraft, Natasha saw Romeo's A-7 Corsair being pursued closely by a Fulcrum above and to her right, and immediately pulled the stick up and hit the afterburner to intercept. She was unable to see whether her not her two missiles had connected with their targets, and would have to rely on Oracle for that information. Screaming in fast nearly perpendicular to the chase, she was unable to draw a lock on the Fulcrum and took action. She showed the pursuing Fulcrum the broadside of her Flogger as she cut in front of the MiGs target reticle just as it fired a missile at the A-7. Thankfully, the missile locked onto her and broke from the A-7 to pursue her, but unthankfully she now had a missile on her tail. She pulled the stick hard up and right and bled airspeed, hoping to make the missile overshoot. She had been at enough of a perpendicular angle to begin with that the missile overshot and flew off into the horizon, and could now breathe a little bit as her cockpit was momentarily silent from missile lock warnings. Noting a yellow target in the distance, she paid it no mind as it was out of combat and there were still some red targets left to be taken care of.