Eun-mi had begun to fold some of the clothes around her in an attempt to clean the mess up when she heard the apartment door open. Loud footsteps made their way towards the two bedrooms, and she caught a glimpse of her new roommate through her cracked door. A second later it swung open, revealing a blond man accompanied by a dark colored dragon. The man made a comment about the state of the room before introducing himself and his dragon, and Eun-mi could only nod slowly as the dragon began to ask if she was a friend. "[color=f6989d]I'm Eun-mi. Sorry about the mess. It was like this when I arrived.[/color]" She got up and walked to the door, looking over her new roommate like one would gauge the cover of a book to get a glimpse of the stories it held. "[color=f6989d]My dragon isn't here at the moment. He's currently enjoying himself in the ground floor pool. More thoroughly than I would have imagined actually.[/color]" She glanced down and raised an eyebrow at the book in Graeden's hands. It was leather bound with bright golden trim. Foreign characters adorned the cover and below sat an etching of two regal looking dragons. "[color=f6989d]A book about dragons? Could I look at that when you're done? I was trying to find the library but went to the wrong area. This place is very confusing. Oh![/color]" She quickly tapped her forehead with her palm and turned around. "[color=f6989d]Speaking of confusing, are these yours?[/color]" Eun-mi grabbed the pile of strange hangers and held them up towards Graeden, "[color=f6989d]I found these over here and they're not mine at all. Did the dragons or whomever give me your stuff by accident?[/color]" The hangers clacked loudly in her hands as Eun-mi gave a sheepish smile. She really hoped these were his. If these hangers weren't his, or any of the others, then where the hell did they come from?! This mystery was driving her insane.