Well. Haas' plan wasn't going [i]totally[/i] wrong, but it was going very wrong indeed. Two people up and left, some made a commotion and others raised concern. Seems like the entire room couldn't decide. [b][color=aba000]"H-Hey... Lemme explain-"[/color][/b] Haas tried to defuse the situation, but then Brooklyn tapped him on the shoulder. She wanted to leave it to security as well. Haas let out a deep sigh, his eyes starting to droop and a hand shooting up to rub his hair back once. His shoulders started to slump and his entire face was sinking, with two dark bags suddenly appearing under his eyes. [b][color=aba000]"Ugh... Okay, I get what you're all saying,"[/color][/b] the boy spoke up, shutting everyone up for a second. [b][color=aba000]"But c'mon. It seems like they're not even doing anything. Three days into the school, we're on lockdown. A week later, dark dorm is starting to play mafia and establishing gangs to come out on top in the academy, with some rumors going around they're using shock devices. A few days ago we find a girl crashed outside, and it couldn't have been a regular accident either."[/color][/b] After the small recap over the strange occurrences, Haas put the hand he used to brush his hair back in one of his pockets. [b][color=aba000]"Like... I don't think anything's going to be solved if nobody does anything. I can't do it on my own either."[/color][/b] Haas shrugged, then looked away from the crowd. [b][color=aba000]"It sucks to lose Andre, even though I kind of saw it coming, since he's infamously good around the academy. Hayato's help would've been appreciated too..."[/color][/b] Haas' voice trailed off and he shut up for a bit, looking back to the crowd after a few seconds. [b][color=aba000]"I can't force anyone to help. But maybe Maisy is onto something. We could ask people around the academy, see what they know. If we find something out, we could always bring it up with security later. Just... Gimme a chance, alright?"[/color][/b][hr]In the infirmary, Ignia was still distraught and didn't know what to do. The nurse, Dell, was too busy checking medical records. Her assistant, however, noticed that the girl had come to visit again. Mike sighed and pulled his hands out of the lab coat he liked to wear, calmly walking up to Ignia. Somewhere along the way he picked up a stool, placing it down next to the girl's chair and sitting down on it. [color=f9ad81]"Come to visit your friend again, eh?"[/color] Mike asked Ignia rhetorically, rubbing the stubble on his chin with the right hand. [color=f9ad81]"She's a strong one. We managed to deduct that she'd been lying in the desert for hours, yet she's recovering fast."[/color] The man reassured Ignia, pulling out his white D-Ceiver. They scrolled through something. [color=f9ad81]"She'll be right as rain soon. Her condition's stable, she's just... sleeping for now."[/color] He looked at the girl and gave a reassuring smile, then pushed himself off the stool. [color=f9ad81]"Dell's going to need to do a check-up soon, so you'll need to leave in a few minutes. It's nice to see that the girl has a friend like you, though."[/color] The man gave a thumbs up and walked off, scrolling through his D-Ceiver some more.