[color=9e0b0f][i]Late October. Missouri.[/i][/color] The group started to rise and this included Rodney and Harris. They both silently got their things together and chewed on some bits of food to get themselves going. They finished and looked around at the camp, making eye contact and nodding to one another. Harris walked up and heard Lucy and Boggs talking. “[color=aba000]Another beautiful day huh Harris?[/color]” Rodney leaned against a tree and looked at the younger kid. The group was not made up of what would be ideal candidates for surviving on a zombie ridden world, himself included, but the group was holding together well enough--mainly due to Jon and Austin. Those two had experience and training in things that mattered here and the group had that to thank for allowing them to be here today. While Rodney himself was thankful for this, he was also on edge. He, Harris, Lucy and a few others were on edge about Jon, especially after the incident with the three men in the clearing. Even before that, Jon displayed a harsh willingness to do things that would cause others pause, hesitation, or flat out denial. He left people at the CDC center, he even left people on the roof instead of waiting to help them. Now Rodney himself understood the actions at the CDC center, at least to a degree. He may have done the same given the information Jon had talked about after, citing that the helicopter could not hold that much weight, they were out of time and fuel, and a few of the people appeared to be bitten. The difference is that Rodney didn’t see any of the remorse or compassion in Jon before, during or after, that most people would exhibit. Simply put, he seemed to make the decision and not think twice about it or regret it. Where Rodney was different from the majority of the group was that, he acknowledged that this was both a bad thing, something to be fears and questions but it was also a good thing, and the reason they were all alive. Lucy, and Harris especially could not bring themselves or were just incapable of seeing this. Either that, or they simply let their emotional view of things cloud their perspective. Rodney would rather be sad and alive than having attempted to do good, and be dead. “[color=8882be]As wonderful as the last[/color],” Harris said back flatly. “[color=8882be][color=a187be]But at least it’s a bit warmer.[/color][/color]” “[color=aba000]Warmer indeed[/color].” Rodney was just about to say something when one of the group, Daniel, burst through the treeline. “Get up, get up now. We only have about 10 minutes.” This didn’t make sense. The 2 rear scouts were supposed to stay at a far enough distance so that, if the zombie horde got close, the scouts would still have ample time to retreat, get the group up, and give them plenty of time to successfully move on ahead. Then something else occurred to Rodney. “[color=aba000]Where is--[/color]“ “Just get up now, everyone, we need to go. They got him. I haven’t seen it before, them move like they did, but they were like...they weren’t walking around so stupidly. We have to go now.”