[center][u][b][h1][color=80ff80]Ignia Nosfera[/color][/h1][/b][/u][/center] Ignia had been leaning back in her chair slightly, Her mind still as chaotic as ever as the person she considered her [i]only[/i] real friend was unconscious and so Ignia was without direction. It wasn't that she just [i]wanted[/i] Ethel, it was just that she [i]needed[/i] her to rely on. Ignia shook her head. She was being selfish. Ethel needed rest and Ignia herself had to keep by her side and not think about her own wants and needs. That's what a good friend would do right? right? A few more moments passed of Ignia observing the sleeping figure of 9/10. As long as Ethel was okay, she would be fine herself... hopefully. A figure wearing a lab coat pulled up a stool next to Ignia and tried to make small talk.His words only confirming what Ignia already knew. She knew Ethel was strong, that pretty much went without saying at this point but Ignia appreciated the reassurance the lab assistant was giving her. However what he finished with struck Ignia deeply. She nodded when he gave a thumbs up and walked away to assure him she had been listening but she didn't say anything in reply. Packing up her stuff Ignia got ready to leave the infirmary her mind reflecting on what the assistant said. Walking out the door Ignia took one last glance at her friend. before she walked down the hallway. Ignia was nothing but lucky to have such a strong. awesome and cool friend like Ethel. [color=80ff80]"Get well soon friend."[/color] Ignia said to herself as she kept walking.