Hey howdy hi! Ms. Quinn here with an interest check! I'm looking for a partner to help build a story around. I'm SUPER open, though I could probably throw a few pairings up. I'm very flexible as to the content, but I will say I prefer darker, more mature themes. Drug use, abuse, crime, etc. Here are some pairings. I'm definitely looking for more serious, story focused RP's, not just straight to smut/action/romance. All of my characters are deep, flawed beings that have plenty to learn about and habits that are both good and bad. Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation is a must. I'm not perfect, but I do like to see an effort put to matching it. Being fluent in English is also a big thing as well. Interest: * = Least Interested ***** = This needs to happen soon. [b]Modern Pairings[/b] Psychologist/Patient * Upper Class/Soldier (ex or current) *** Law Enforcement Officer/Criminal **** [b]Student/Student *****[/b] [b]Student/Teacher *****[/b] Student/Young Adult *** Musician/Concert Goer **** Criminal/Criminal ** [b]Fantasy Pairings[/b] Commoner/Soldier ** Commoner/Knight ** Noble/Noble * Courtier/Courtier ** Courtier/Knight **** Courtier/Ruler ** Youthful Adventurer/Apprentice Mage **** I've got plenty of other crazy things in my head, but this is a good start. Thanks!