[center] It had been a long while that Clara had been in the shower – perhaps longer than she'd intended. The events of the night prior had her shaken, more than she'd like to admit. The female always had to be in control of her own situations, especially after Kieran had once stolen away everything from her and left her helpless. She'd sworn never to make those mistakes again; never to lose control of her own life or future once more. And yet, the night before she'd been forced into a deep sleep that kept her blissfully unaware of the massacre that had occurred just behind her closed door. It was unsettling, and she hardly enjoyed the feeling of weakness one bit. Furthermore, to know someone had been in Kieran's room as well – She felt on edge, as if she really should run and take off, far, far away from it all. And yet – there she was, in the shower, unwilling to move from the hot water that surrounded her. Why she found herself rooted was beyond her. She'd hardly held a bond with Kieran, at least – nowhere near the level that Ryanair had. Christian was clearly eager to go, so why couldn't she just agree? There really wasn't much there for her, was there? A deep sigh fell from her lips as she pressed against the cold tile of the shower wall behind her. Her eyes remained shut as the water flowed against her skin, but she knew she would have to emerge at some point. She would have to face the rest of them who had lost most of their companions without the ability to help them. Part of her had wanted to remain in her room and let it all unfold without her. Then again, she also felt the need to make sure Ryanair would be alright. Where the hell that urge came from, she wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps it was the reminder that she had no one to stop Kieran from what he'd done. She'd been vulnerable – she fell for that charm, she gave him the world – and look what happened. Ryanair seemed just as defenseless against Kieran – afraid to defend himself simply because he shouldn't have had to defend himself against the man that turned him. Clara, however, had no problem stopping him from causing harm against the male. Clara had carefully reached out and turned off the water before she stepped out into the chilly air of her room, grabbing a towel to dry off. She'd tossed on whatever was easily accessible – a long-sleeved black shirt with dark jeans – before she brushed out her long hair carefully. Her steps soon left the room and she headed down the hall, pausing only momentarily at Kieran's door. She'd lingered there for a moment, longer than she'd cared to admit, before she continued down the hall. What good would it do should she check on the male? He hardly would care, she thought, and neither should she. The smell of cleaning solution had reached her nose in an onslaught of chemicals and harsh perfumes – it was almost a welcoming difference compared to the suffocating copper that had just been there hours before. Once she'd made it towards the kitchen, she had not looked towards Christian, refusing to give him any inkling that she might have been breaking towards the idea of running. Instead, she went towards her usual vice – pouring herself another glass of wine before she drifted from the dining room at the absence of Ryanair. Given the situation, she hardly believed he would be with Kieran – the poor thing didn’t seem as if he enjoyed being around the other male alone any longer, and she hardly blamed him given the circumstances. Her steps were mindless as she drifted through the mansion, but inevitably, she'd spotted the male once more in the pool room and she stepped inside quietly. "How is he doing?" Were the first words out of her mouth as she headed a little closer towards the pool, glancing down at the water. "Or rather – how are [i]you[/i] doing?" Clara continued and she'd glanced over her shoulder at him before she looked back towards the pool. The glass all at once lifted to her lips and she closed her eyes as the cool liquid slipped past, carrying notes of fruit and smoke. Why she was asking, once more, was beyond her – yet she was sincere in wanting an answer. Kieran had scorned her once and perhaps that was enough commonality between them for her to open up. [/center] [@Arista]