[center]He'd allowed his mind to wander when he entered the silent room, the warm plate in his hands discarded on the nearby table with little care for the food on it. He stood before the still water and watched his reflection as it stared back at him, his eyes slipping shut a moment later. He shouldn't be afraid of his own sire, hell his instincts were telling him to go check on the other. The blonde just...couldn't however, no matter how much he wanted to. Living with the male had given him a sense of security, and to suddenly have the very same male that rescued him...harm him… A shudder he couldn't stop rippled down his body. He remembered that night all too long ago when he'd been left for dead, his could he forget? It had led him to the man that would change his life. At the sound of spot footsteps and the faint smell of floral shampoo, Ryanair blinked his eyes and focused on the figure behind him. At Clara's first words his lips parted to answer, after her next question he found himself hesitating. He was scared. Angry that he was scared. Confused. Angry that he was even questioning his sire. His teeth grit hard as he tried to quell the turmoil happening within, his head lifting to face the vampire now at his side. Ryanair blinked and swallowed, his fingers clenching and unclenching at his sides as he thought. The fact that she was asking meant she cared on some level, and right now Ryanair wanted nothing more than to calm his churning mind. “He's fine, asleep maybe. And as for me...I'm dealing I suppose. I went to check on him and all but ran out of the room when he noticed I wasn't comfortable standing there, I guess I can't really blame him for what he's feeling.” His right hand reaching up to rub absently at his chest, even now with his feelings like they were he could still feel Kieran’s confusion. “I feel like we should tell him about what happened, with the crystal he's not going to go off the deep end like before. But if we do...I don't really want to relive it, I guess that makes me a coward. I guess asking Wolff would be a good idea, what do you think?” It was a distraction mostly, but he meant it in full. He didn't want to add to Kieran’s emotions and telling him would do just that. Maybe if they just tell him he'd fallen under the illness? Could they avoid the ordeal of him being used as a toy? He knew the answer and it caused his stomach to plummet to his toes. It wasn't fair to lie to someone who'd saved him, even worse when it wasn't even [i]him[/i] at fault but the damn Shadow Mage. And they still had to do a ceremony for the fallen wolves...the blonde's shoulders rolled as a tired sigh left his lips. [/center] [@earlymorninstar]