[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0KFo244.jpg[/img][/center] Gregory was jolted awake by the sound of a fist pounding on a door. Looking around, he couldn't help but notice that he wasn't in his own home. The more he analyzed his surroundings, the more he noticed that wasn't familiar in anyway, and the more he panicked. The last thing he remembered was the party. He was talking to a girl, drank some punch, and then... nothing. It was all black after that. Now he was in some sort of... hospital... with a completely different girl. Had it been that extreme of a party? Getting up, he flinched as he realized his whole body was sore. Whatever happened at the party had certainly been an event. Facing towards his apparent roommate, Gregory recognized the girl from the party. As he walked in, her dyed hair had caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Had they hooked up or something. She seemed pretty young, and if this was her place, he definitely didn't agree with her decorating. Also he had all his clothes on from before. Okay, so they probably didn't hook up, but still, she might know [i]something.[/i] Raising his hand in a wave, Gregory shot her a friendly smile. [color=fff200]"Hey, my name's Greg, nice to meet you. Quick question here, you got any idea where we are? I can't seem to remember anything from the party last night after the beginning."[/color] Just because they were in the weird situation, it didn't mean Gregory didn't need to make a good first impression. [@Kit N Kat]