[hider=Lute Astein] [center] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/DdcqVqbh.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Lute Astein Age: 18 (just turned) Gender: Female Role: Cleric Armor: She is a long range cleric that heals from behind the fight she she usually just wears Cloth dresses and tunics Weapon: Spear, She uses this only in extreme circumstances Guild status: Newly joined but her skills make her no ordinary recruit, she is already working with a team in hunting down dangerous mutations. Stats! Health: 8 Strength: 8 Charisma: 16 Intelligence: 14 Agility: 14 Personality: Very very sweet little girl, she makes most people smile just as she walks by, the air seems cleaner around her and she helps in every way she can. She hates it when people get hurt and enters a very focused mode when someone does get hurt, she isent the sweet little girl until said person was healthy and walking. Bio: She has lived on the islands for her whole life, She never knew her parents or any other family for that matter besides the old lady that took her in and she has seen as her mother (Recently passed away). Lute would have been an extremely vulnerable little girl if her beast was never summoned, defenseless and weak. Now that it is summoned however it has been an immense blessing in Lute's life giving her companionship and comfort as she tries to take on the world as the little girl she is. [/center] [/hider] If I may, I request a [url=http://imgur.com/jgLrJDM]Great Wolf[/url] for her. Though I know I cannot choose her animal...