[center] Clara hadn't entirely anticipated his acceptance. Hell, given how she'd been to him since day one, she wasn't sure she was the right person to be around should he choose to speak with him. What sort of comfort could she really provide? A part of her had hoped he would simply brush it off, but when he'd agreed to her plan, she'd tried not to look surprised. Well, she was in it for the long-haul, at least then, so she had to suck it up and deal with what she'd just committed herself to. Even if she was just a body in the room, it seemed that Ryanair sought some sort of comfort in that – and she would never really understand why. "That sounds like a plan then." She spoke with a nod of her head. It was best to leave Wolff to the ceremony – given all that had happened in under twenty four hours, the man did not need to deal with any other drama. They could handle themselves and if, by some chance, Kieran would act out – Clara would have to be the one to deal with it. She'd made a mental note to stick to only the glass of wine she was holding, at least until all of this had passed. She had a feeling she might need another after Ryanair confronted Kieran. Hell, she probably should have had a conversation like this with Kieran a long time ago instead of simply letting her anger go. She should have asked him what she wanted – told him how she felt. Instead she acted out her anger and put up her walls so that no one could penetrate them. Clara had frowned at the thought, knowing that too much time had probably passed to fix those errors. What was done is done and he'd at least sought some form of forgiveness… Clara watched Ryanair move from her then before she decided to follow after him. When he'd extended an arm for her, she'd given pause – a moment of hesitation. Clearly, she was not used to such kindness from him given the fact that she'd never given him reason to show her such kindness. She'd been cold to him from the beginning out of both jealousy and the behavior that she'd grown used to. Now, he stood there, offering her his arm without any hesitation. She'd only given a moment of pause before she had switched her glass to her free hand, and carefully took his arm. Her hesitation was clear, but she hadn't said a word further before she decided to follow him in step towards Kieran's room. If Christian could see her now, she was sure he'd probably think hell had frozen over. [/center][@Arista]