[@Holy Grail] Huh... yeah a lot of those places seem to quickly loose the point of the setting and quickly devolve into people trying to make random human characters into Servants or else their own OC's Servants who they completely made up. Not all of them though. Cool, would you mind if I saw him? Jason's a good Servant, and I don't see him done very much. Besides people trying to invent completely new Servants out of nothing another thing you see a lot in these places are the same Heroic Spirits over and over. Vlad the Impaler, Joan of Arc and Elizabeth Bathory all seem to have crazy appeal for people, and this was even before they became Canon Servants apparently. Yeah, Bodvar is a complete badass. He can project a giant spirit bear that's big enough to bite horses in half and is immune to sword blows. He himself is also a top notch fighter, and he can make other people stronger by having them eat a bear heart and then rubbing them in its fat with a magic ritual. For a still living RP out there, I will look around. I have been sort of lazy about this recently. Moreover, I know a some people in dead RP's who are not happy that they are dead and may be open to joining this one. Should have called on them a long time ago. I will look around for one thats more active though I should warn you that I think part of what kills RP's like this is the tendency to migrate from one to another as the first goes through a slow point.