[center][img]http://hairstylesweekly.com/images/2015/10/short-black-curly-pixie-cuts.jpg[/img] Luna Stevenoson 24, 5'4, Female [/center] [ S Y N O P S I S ] [indent]Luna is an easy going woman, however she can be strict. She gives her whole life to her career, that being a nurse, despite the fact she knows more then a doctor. She does what is required, and finally had the chance to join the expedition/s to explore the unknown, providing healthcare when required. [/indent] [ A P P E A R A N C E ] [indent]With light brown skin that indicates a mainly indoor existance, with some time outside, Luna has deep green eyes, and short black hair, choosing to keep it short for practicality, then looks. She typically stands tall, showing that she won't bow down easily. She wears a pair of small earings, reseaved and mostly there because she likes them. True to her trade, her nails are bare, cut short and typically wears clothes that are easy to move around in. [/indent] [ P E R S O N A L I T Y ] [indent]Despite her small stature, Luna is nevertheless a very present invidiual. She typically lets her opinion be known, and will protect those that are unable to protect herself. She is a bright, cheerful individual. She can be sarcastic at times, but this is generally when she has reached her ability to be patient. She doesn't particularly get angry easily, however there are times when she reaches her breaking point, and you wouldn't want to be around her when this happens. With her patients, she can have a stern yet caring bedside manor, and with those she interacts with, she can be cheerful and friendly, but this can change when she reaches her breaking point. [/indent] [ H I S T O R Y ] [indent]Luna is no stranger to hardship. Conceived as a result of rape, she was born to a mother who didn't know how to deal with what she had been through, and didn't have anything to give her. So for the first few years of life, Luna grew up in a cold, unloving home, kept alive more as a result of duty then anything else. When her mother killed herself, Luna was essentailly left to herself. Only four years old, she fled the house that had never been her home, Lost, she fell asleep in a ditch that was just big enough for her small body. She was found in the morning, but a homeless man who had never but the clothes on his back, and a small collection of food. Yet he took Luna in, caring for her, and giving her more love and care then her mother had. She soon learned how to steal, and in time they had a home. Small, run down and dark, it was nevertheless a home. As she grew, Luna learned how to make the place bright, and as her adoptive father would stumble to work each morning, and stumble back, she would cook meals, even as she studied. She was known as the tramps daughter, and was thus shuned by other kids at school, but she never let this get to her, and soon won the other kids over, with her charm and cooking skills. She soon had a good group of friends, and was doing well in school. Going to college was something she had never dreamed off, and getting in was the best thing in the world for her. Unable to pay the fees to study to be a doctor, Luna decided to become a nurse and work her way up. Throughout her studies she proved again and again that she was incrediably smart. Upon her graduation, she had many offers for employment, and soon she was working. She proved time and again that she was an exceptional nurse. Applying for a position on the expedition, Luna's life changed once again. [/indent] [ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ] [indent]She is an exceptional drawer. [/indent]