[h2][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h2] [hr][center]Location: Cargo Bay[/center][hr] Daphne watched as Dorothy took the Captain to the Med Bay. She thought about seeing if she needed any help. [i]Nah, I'll probably just get in the way, as usual.[/i] Looking down, she saw one of them was still alive, just under a horse that probably weighed a lot. Daphne notice Jackson trying to pull the horse off, she almost went over to help him, but decided not to.[i] I'm not the strongest person in the world, I'd probably be barely able to nudge it.[/i] She walked around the cargo area, and saw several bullets that had missed hitting people. [i]Well, Gideon needs to get cracking if we plan on getting out of here quickly. I'm useless as a pilot if we can't get the bird off the ground without exploding.[/i] She saw Gideon messing around with his tools, to her it looked like he was assessing the damage. Daphne watched him for a few minutes, glanced back at Jackson trying to move the horse, and back to Gideon again. Well, I could go try and move a horse, or help hand tools to someone. Well, knowing my strength that isn't a hard decision. [color=39b54a]"Hey Gideon, I've got nothing to do right now, need a hand with anything. It was either help you or move a horse."[/color] she said, walking over to where she had seen him disappear to.