[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/O16b4YF.jpg[/img][/center] [color=8882be][i]Ugh... what happened..?[/i][/color] That was the first thought that crossed her mind as she opened her eyes. Her head felt like it was about to split open, and her stomach wretched as she struggled to move. Whitney never felt like throwing up [i]this[/i] much before. Had she gotten drunk and this was a head-splitting hangover? Or was she drugged? She couldn't tell. A loud groan left the dark-haired woman's lips as she rolled over in her bed, rubbing her head. Her vision was foggier than she could have ever imagined, but what caught her eye was a blue-haired woman basically screaming her head off. The whole room vibrated at her voice, making the lights flicker before the lamps shattered. She whimpered as she hid under her sheets, her head aching even more at the sudden exposure to stress and loud sounds. Thankfully, the familiar woman's voice lowered significantly, but they were now in complete darkness. Whitney could see the outlines of some shapes in the room, but her eyesight was still weak. [color=8882be][b]"Where... are we?"[/b][/color] she asked both herself and Noelle before the metal door suddenly creaked open. A tall man, brown of hair, stood in the doorway. His hands were shoved in his pockets as he gave Noelle a rather unamused look. [b]"I see you've caused quite the ruckus," [/b] he sighed, blinking his sharp green eyes at her. [b]"You've scared away my aides-- they could hardly make it to your room without getting a severe headache. There isn't need for such anxiety, I'm happy to say."[/b] Whitney perked up. She recognized that voice. [color=8882be][b]"Mister Ravello?"[/b][/color] she questioned. He turned towards her, a frown on his lips. [b]"Call me Sully,"[/b] he answered her. [color=8882be][b]"Where are we?"[/b][/color] she fought through the pain and haze as she raised her voice. [color=8882be][b]"Why did you kidnap us-?"[/b][/color] Sully retained his calm demeanor, even in the face of two rather angry and dangerous young females. [b]"For your own protection,"[/b] he answered her simply. [b]"Down here, no one can harm you. That is, until you know the truth, of course."[/b] [color=8882be][b]"Wha-?"[/b][/color] [b]"Come to the briefing room when you're ready,"[/b] Sully waved over two aides, who cautiously stepped into the room. Both of them gave the two women wary smiles as they carried in new clothing, sheets, and washcloths. [b]"My assistants will lead you there when you're prepared."[/b] Whitney blinked her eyes a few times as she was left speechless. The man that she had known for a few years nodded as he left the room, allowing the two aides to take control as they laid out the clothing and towels for them. [b]"Don't worry,"[/b] one of them said, her smile growing significantly as she struggled to make slow, calm movements. [b]"Like Sir Ravello said, this is all for your own protection."[/b] [@rivaan] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XGh7q3S.jpg[/img][/center] Garrett had been awake for a long while. But unfortunately, he could not find a way to get out of bed. And even if he [i]did[/i], he didn't think he could remain on his feet for very long. While he was quite in the serious predicament, he couldn't help but feel a [i]little[/i] pleased with the circumstances. A pretty lady, in bed with him? When was the last time [i]that[/i] happened? Maybe it was just the drugs that messed with his mind; he certainly felt like his mind was fried. Everything was quivering and changing colors before his very eyes. Who knew, maybe it was just a broom that had fallen over and tapped his rear end? The pretty lady-- or sexy broom -- lifted itself from the bed and traveled to the door. Ice formed nearby it, and with a loud sound, a ball of frost hit the metal door. Unfortunately for them, the door did not budge. [b][color=f26522][i]"Grrrrmphhhhhh,"[/i][/color][/b] it was all that Garrett could say as he rolled over and peered at Claire with eyes that stared but did not see. Things still spun around him as if he was in a hurricane. At that moment, the door open, and in stepped a rather young female in a pure white gown. She smiled at the intoxicated man on the bed and at the silver-haired woman near the door. [b]"Good morning,"[/b] she chimed, shuffling into the room with the pile of clean clothes and sheets and towels. She set the objects down on the bed before turning to face Claire, seeing as she could not speak to the drugged man on the bed. [b]"I know that you might be confused and scared about all of this. But you were taken from Darkwell for your own protection. Something evil lurks there, and we know that you wouldn't be able to survive a second trying to defend yourselves."[/b] [color=f26522][b]"A-ahh,"[/b][/color] Garrett groaned from atop the bed, grabbing hold of the clean clothing with extreme difficulty. He held them as if they were some foreign objects that he never saw before. The aide's face became serious. [b]"Please, just give us a chance to explain all of this... to [i]all[/i] of you. Everything will become clear soon. I just gave you some clean clothing. I'll lead both of you to the briefing room when you're ready," [/b] she sighed at the pitiful sight of the raven-haired man on the bed, quirking a brow as he drooled over the sheets. [b]"I'm surprised that Roxanne's [i]special[/i] poison didn't leave the poor guy a vegetable. But he'll recover soon. I'll be waiting for you two outside the door. Once you're ready, just knock."[/b] And with that, the aide disappeared as she stepped outside once more, closing the door behind her. [@DFA]