[center][h1][color=cyan]Riley Ridgeway[/color][/h1] [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/e2db3aa3441dfb41b7df45913ea70f4d/tumblr_myfp3je8eB1rnbxp0o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: In her car, then outside.[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Riley looked out the window occasionally as she drove through the center of town, she wasn't surprised that it hadn't changed in the last ten years since she had left for LA. She looked back towards Tuesday and frowned slightly, though she could understand her sister didn't want to rely on her constantly. [color=cyan]"Well you know if you ever want to the offer is always there for you if you ever need it."[/color] Riley said softly as she looked over towards Cynthia as she started to have a mental freak-out, and started banging on the window. [color=cyan]"Cynthia what the hell is wrong?"[/color] Riley asked sounding worried and concerned she wasn't sure if the girl would do something reckless like crashing her car. Then suddenly Cynthia opened the front passenger side door leaped out of her car, quickly Riley stopped the car causing the tires to make a screeching sound. Riley quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of her car, and ran over towards her sister and Cynthia. [color=cyan]"What is goin--"[/color] Riley was about to ask what was going on, that's when she saw in the window of the sporting goods store was Trent Lanier. He was displayed out like Simone was but out on the display window of the store. Riley started shaking slightly as she gently moved over towards Tuesday and Cynthia. [color=cyan]"Go inside my car, i'll call, make sure Cynthia doesn't look at the body or try and go inside."[/color] Riley said looking at Cynthia. [color=cyan]"It's going to be okay, we will find out who is doing this."[/color] Riley said quietly trying to hide the fact that she was scared as well. Riley took out her phone and called 911 to inform the local police about the murder, Riley stood outside of the store and made sure that she wasn't going to tamper with any of the evidence. Then Riley shifted through her contacts again, until she found Marc's number and then pressed the call button to let him know of the latest murder.