Don't mind me, dropping off an application [hider] [b]Birth Name:[/b] Xoxi Slevryn [b]Alter Ego:[/b] [color=662d91]The Mouse[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Country of Origin:[/b] US-Born, immigrated to Sweden at a young age and now represents it. [b]Archetype:[/b] Augmented. [b]Allegiance:[/b] Unaffiliated, although was a Champion. [b]Appearance:[/b] Xoxi stands at a a proud 5'4" and has purple streaks running through a ponytail in her hair. She tends to wear lightweight clothing, and besides having nothing in the chest area whatsoever, she prides herself in how she looks from time to time. [b]Powers/Skills:[/b] Through an augmentation that Xoxi specifically said that she wanted to stay the same way on how she looked, she overall decided to augment her heart with special technology she has nicknamed "Shadow-Tech". Her new heart gives her blood special chemicals that allow for any of her movements to stay completely silent through even the most receptive of sound detection, her blood allows her body temperature to be masked so it doesn't show up on thermal imaging software, and has allowed her body to be more flexible and athletic than the likes of Olympic Gymnasts. The only catch is that the chemicals in her blood are limited, and need to be resupplied with refillable containers kept at most government bases in the world. Each refill can last up to 3 days, although it is unhealthy and fatal to go any longer than that. [b]Equipment/Resources:[/b] In Xoxi's arsenal of weapons, she carries around a katar, forged from titanium, that has received many scratches and imperfections from her years of thievery. Her outfit is made from a mixture of Kevlar and Spandex, allowing it to conform to the individual's body while still being protective enough from injuries (There is a skirt on it, in case anyone was wondering). Lastly, she normally carries around on a side pouch (attached at the hip to her outfit) 2 easy-fill containers of the chemical in her blood, some thin cable, and a single grenade. Back in her hideout, she has about a month's supply of the chemicals for her blood, as well as a few "borrowed" books about bioengineering. [b]Biography:[/b] Xoxi Slevryn grew up on the streets of Stockholm, making a living by being one of the best cat-burglars on the market. Her mom left her life when she was early, and her father was unable to pick up a job until late in her life, and during this time, both of them didn't know about her potential. Every single job she had she was successful in, and when local authorities caught wind of the supposed 'mouse' stealing many priceless possessions for her clientele, they just [i]had[/i] to catch the burglar that was doing so. Unfortunately for them, the Champions found her first. Their representative - Jackson - came at her with an offer, a protection of her father from the shadows in exchange for working with them. She would be outfitted with the best equipment able to be augmented into her, letting her be the overall spy and thief she was destined to be. Clearly, this was a once in a lifetime offer, so as any thieving teenager would do, Xoxi responded with "Hell yes". Her name was cleared in the papers, her father was protected from harm, and everything worked out for the longest time. A few years passed, and Xoxi decided to leave the Champions after being such a big help. She laid low for a while, stockpiling the chemical she relied on so much to stay alive and continue her work, eventually to the point of even stealing chemistry and bioengineering books so she can learn how to produce a suitable replacement in the event everything goes down. Then Nagoya happened. Xoxi figured the team could use her set of skills again. With their reputation tarnished, she would love to help out and restore it to its former glory. [b]Special Notes:[/b] Xoxi is a homosexual, is generally laid back, and tends to rush into things and work from there. [/hider]