Jaspin didn't even bother moving from his stance when he heard Elizabeth making her way across the living room. He had hoped that she would get some sleep. Especially seeing that she hadn't been sleeping during the day, it wasn't like he had asked her to stay up with him, she just did it herself. There was no doubt that she had been taking better care of him, than he was of her. Though could she blame him? He could handily turn around without almost falling over now. He hadn't been the most patient person either lately, though could that really be said was his fault either? Still he could hear the anger in her voice at her question, yet he didn't answer right away. The first coming to his mind being a snappy remark asking which type of [I]help[/I] she was offering. Did she not understand why her offer upset him so? It was bad enough that he couldn't have a normal life with her, but the suggestion that he die even faster, just to live forever. All because he was weak? If she was actually given the choice, would she do that? Did she even understand how weak her [I]offer[/I] made him seem? Jaspin nodded his head against his arm before actually looking up at her. How was it that this early in the morning she could look this beautiful? Even when mad at him? Letting out a slow painful sigh he closed his eyes for a moment. "I'm sorry. I over reacted pulling away from you." He admitted his voice a little raspy and weak, truly it wasn't something he enjoyed, apologizing. Though if these were his last days, he would rather enjoy them with Elizabeth instead of fighting with her. "Thanks for not..." He started moving his hand towards her and knocking the glass of water he had gotten himself off the ground breaking and spilling water all over the floor. Jaspin frowned cursing under his breath angrily looking down at it. He was trying to thank her for not leaving him last night. He didn't deserve to have her as his woman, and he knew it. He was a coward. Clearly though he couldn't even get a stupid thought out of his head without doing something to ruin it. When Elizabeth went to cut it up he let go of his grip on the sink and moved over to the table slowly as he didn't fall and sit down in one of the chairs. As he watched her clean it up he spoke again. "Thank you for not leaving, Elizabeth."