[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] tbh I only joined Wolfpack since [@Volenvradica] said that they needed more people. My Brotherhood guy was a Kingsman-esque gentleman type. [b]Speaking of which, VV, you going to tell us if we were right about your little question and if you were just baiting all of us with false promises of pictures? :p[/b] [/quote] You guessed right. I'll still take upskirt shots of my Girl Nagisa though. Just to see how it turns out. ;) [center][h1]UPDATE:[/h1][/center] I was hoping to finish an IC post and get the ball rolling, but I've been doing overtime at work. So in an attempt to keep you all interested and shake off the anxiety, I'll let you in on what I have in mind: [i]First Chapter will focus on a particular flashback, the night when the Brotherhood split. Remember, a fight broke out between two opposing factions, resulting in the death of many fellow glitching players. You won't know who exactly started the violence, but the situation escalates, and you are left with no other choice but to fight. Our PCs are all that remain of these "Breakers." That's right, first scene will be a horrific battle.[/i]