Ooh, this seems interesting. [hider=Joshua] Name: Joshua Dela Luna Age: 23 Description: [url=http://www.davaolife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/robidomingo.jpg]Le Appearance[/url] Occupation: Guard Branch of government worked for: Previously worked as an assassin under different governments Location you were working in: Depends, now in Vale Island History: Joshua led a normal life at the first years of his life. His parents were already working for the government when he was born, both as assassins. Originally, he wasn't supposed to know of any of these. He was just told that his parents were working for the government, and nothing else. So Joshua generally didn't grow up with much attention from them since they always left and let him stay with his Aunt. However, he didn't mind. At least he knew that they were working hard for him... or so he thought. When he was thirteen years old, his father took him to a shooting range. His aunt pleaded his father to at least spend some time with the kid. His father reluctantly accepted. Both him and his mother were present and started teaching Joshua the basics. Even if they knew that it was next to impossible to know that they had a family, they still needed to watch out. So that's why he chose for Joshua to learn how to shoot a gun instead of taking him to an arcade or something. It seems that the guy was a natural when it came to shooting. While it needed work, it was definitely good for a first timer. That was when they entered Joshua in a training program for assassins like them. Joshua didn't mind though. He didn't mind a lot of things anyway. Leaving his old life behind, he started the rigorous training. He was placed under 'long-range assassinations'. Those people who majored in sniper rifles rather than close encounters but was taught to wield various types of weapnry. He graduated at the top of his class when he was at a mere age of eighteen and then started to work. He did pick up hand-to-hand but isn't particularly good at it. Everything was going well and then when he reached twenty, he had received a letter stating that his parents had died in the line of duty. Devastated, he was allowed to rest for a total of three days. They can't have an emotionally unstable man go out and kill after all. But he recovered quicker than they thought, only taking a day. He then went back to do his usual job. That was until another year passed and he was given a note that he would work as a guard in this asylum in Vale island. He had heard of it but wasn't sure. But it was his job to follow orders so he did. Personality: Generally passive about most things, Joshua can come off as unresponsive. He is generally seen with a poker face and a bored look on his eyes, on occasion, a yawn would erupt from his mouth. He denies that he has a sense of morality, everything is just fair game to him. Children, the elderly, women, men... he can kill without even flinching. Although he is pretty easygoing and rather lazy when you really observe him. But he is cautious and is ready to spring into action in a moment's notice. Although he doesn't show it, he actually cares a lot for things or people that he likes. Skills: He is skilled in wielding weapons, guns especially. His aim is near-perfect, rarely missing, whether it be long range or short range. He doesn't hesitate when an order is given. Cannot be swayed/manipulated easily, it'd take more than petty words to break him. Has a fast reaction time and can usually perceive where a moving object will be when he pulls the trigger. Likes: Ichi, Chocolate, Softdrinks, [s]killing[/s], Lazing around Dislikes: Overly bossy people, Nosy people, Things that hurt Ichi Extra: He has a German Shepherd-Siberian Husky mix named [url=http://cdn.pcwallart.com/images/husky-german-shepherd-mix-wallpaper-2.jpg]Ichi[/url] that he has for quite some time now that helps him in his job. [/hider]